

Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2007
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Hi there... Just a quick question my little girl is 4 weeks today... and I have noticed that she has little spots on her face.... are they milk spots?? she seems fine not got a high temp or anything... I think i may take her to the docs 2moro just to make sure... has anyone else baby had this?

JT gets spots sometimes, little whiteheads too :puke: i just wash with cotton wool and warm water and they soon clear up.

If your conerned do speak to you HV though, sure nothing to worry about :hug:
I was just going to post the same thing when i saw your thread, Glenn has spots on his face and on his chest but when he was took out in his pram today they seemed to clear up and just now while he is drinking his bottle they have started to come back again! i am taking him to the doctors tomorrow as they are worrying me now, i hope he isnt allergic to the milk, what do you think? could he be?
thanks for replys ladies :D i was thinking the same as you rach... i'm hoping she is not allergic coz i have just got Lucy settled on the milk... i did google the problem and this is what it came up with

Our 3-week-old baby has tiny spots on his face. People have said to us that they may be milk spots! Do you know what this could be?

During the last months of pregnancy, a woman’s blood stream is overloaded with hormones. Many of these hormones are passed to her baby through the placenta and remain in the infant’s blood for months after birth. These hormones cause three noticeable changes in the newborn: (1) Breast enlargement due to estrogen stimulation of the breast cells (2) Minimal vaginal bleeding in the first or second day of life due to estrogen stimulation of the infant girl’s uterus. (3) Newborn “acne” due to hormonal stimulation of the oil glands of the face.
More than 40% of newborns develop this “acne” on their faces, mainly appearing as red bumps or small whiteheads. The rash begins to appear around three weeks of age and can last up to six months. It is present mainly on the cheeks but can be found in the forehead and chin as well. The rash is not caused by skin pores being blocked with dirt or improper cleaning of the baby’s face. Newborn “acne” is simply the last evidence of mom’s intra-utero connection with her infant.

Newborn acne becomes worse when the baby is fussy or when the skin becomes wet from saliva or spit-up milk. The best way to care for this unsightly but “normal” skin rash is to wash the baby’s face with a mild soap twice a day and then pat (do not rub) dry. Oils and lotion do not help and may even make the condition worse. Consult your pediatrician if the rash does not disappear by six months of age or for anything else that bothers you about it. Remember. You did nothing wrong to cause the rash.

will probably be milk spots at that young age.
i feel a bit better knowin what it is now coz lucy's spots are on cheeks and around chin... but still going to take her docs just in case

My LO had some red spots with white heads around 3 weeks old, I read that this is called milia and is normal. Apparently, professional photographers would recommend taking studio photos after baby turns 4 weeks old so that the milia doesn't spoil the pics.
My lo was covered with spots when he was a few weeks old, he had baby acne and had to have aqueous cream to clear it. He still gets them occasionally but if i catch them with the cream quick enough then its ok.
Aaron had baby acne, it soon clears up but I went to the doctor as well as I was worried. My doc called it the welcome to the world rash :lol:

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