Speech delay and hearing tests please help!!


Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2006
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Zachary will be 2 in January and was referred for a hearing test because his speech is slightly delayed. The health visitor told me he should be saying 25-40 words now, and he doesnt say many at all that are clear!!! He does say some words, but they sound a bit slurred and sometimes he will say a word and wont say it again for days.

However, he understands me PERFECTLY, if I tell him to get me something or point to something then he can do it without fail.

He had the hearing test on Wednesday and he failed the left ear, the right passed but they said it wasnt good. However im sure he was hearing the noises he wasnt turning round like he was supposed to but he laughed whenever he heard them, the monkey.

He is being referred to ear, nose and throat specialist for further investigation. I just feel really upset by it all at the moment because I know he isnt backward but I really want him to hurry up and speak like other children are his age. I keep getting worried he is never going to communicate properly! Im not overly convinced he has hearing problems, but we will see.

Needed to rant, and anyone who has any experience of speech or hearing with their kids, would love to hear your views/stories.
I replied to your other post in ask a mum, hun.. :hug:
:hug: aww jade i wold say if he understands you then there is nothing to worry about, luke failed a hearing test on his first birthday they thought he had glue ear and we were worried sick, when we went back a few months late he passed with flying colours and they thought at the time he could have been a bit congested with a cold but i was fuming as was led to believe he had hearing problems :wall:

luke speaks well and i understand what he says but some people don't he doesn't always finishes words but im not worried about his speech, and if zac hears you and understands i can't believe there would be a problem at all. like you say i bet it was because he was disintereted in the very unscietific test and im sure when you go back he'll be fine.

luke friends are 2 the end of dec and up until a month ago weren't saying more than a couple of words and suddenly overnight they said loads (they are twins and seemed to speak in their own language) we have been talking about it with kellie80 as she has been worried bout nathan :hug:

im sure all is ok jade :hug:
Thanks so much Lisa, for all the reassurance, you know what a worrier I am about everything. :wall:

I will keep you informed of how it all goes :D
I've not been in quite the same position but last year DD's nursery mentioned to me that it can be difficult to understand her which was a shock to me because I always knew what she was saying but it made me realise that as their mum's we tend to be so much more familiar with how our children speak and what they mean when they muddle up their sounds. A year later and she still has problems saying ffff sounds but the other problems have dropped off. It worried me for a while about her speech because I'd always thought she was slow physically because she was advanced with her speech. But then over the past year everything has settled out.

It must be so hard not to worry, especially when you have medical professionals saying things like that to you but at least you'll get some answers and if his hearing is fine then you can carry on reassured. The other thing someone said to me is that all development evens out by the age of 5 so really it's hard to know if something is going to be a real problem until around that age.

I hope you get the answers you want! :hug:
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