sowwi to keep posting... update.. I'm SOO stupid!! x


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2007
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i decided each day i'm do a cheap ebay preg test.. hehe jus to keep reminding myself..

And Wed, was very dark
thurs dark but a smidge lighter
fri dark but a tiny bit lighter again..

Not had belli ache, or bleeding..

Is it normal for the test to be abit lighter occasionaly? depends how waterd down my wee is etc..

Someone re-assure me :'( xxx sowwi again for being silly xxx
Mine went lighter and I was a little concerned but a digital test re-comfirmed I was pregnant.. so I know it can happen that tests can get lighter, but I don't know why that happens. If you're concerned just try a digital test or go see your GP/MW to ease your concern :hug: :hug: :hug:
Sometimes different tests can be lighter or darker.

I stopped testing about 5 days after I got my first BFP.

I am trying not to get anxious about my pregnancy, so I made the conscious decision to stop testing. I know its hard but you have to trust your body, as constant testing can just make you feel more stressed especially when the lines are not constantly dark.

I know how hard it is when you have suffered a loss, but try to relax, I know its hard but you need to remove as much stress as possible especially in the first tri mester :hug:

Tracey xx
Cheap tests often prove to be unreliable. I'd be inclined to leave them alone and save yourself the stress and worry.

A decent digital test should do the trick if you are concerned, but it might be better to stop POAS with the cheapies and try to relax a little not doing them rather than worry and get possibly dodgy results.

I know some women POAS lots, but sometimes doing so can cause worry when there isn't any.
Yes it is normal hun for lines to be weaker/stronger at different times in the day, different tests etc and a lot of people seem to believe cheapies aren't as reliable...

Ask yourself, how would you feel if one day if you got a virtually invisable line? It wouldn't mean you've miscarried or anything is wrong, it would probably be because your hormones aren't as strong in that wee! Unecessary stress for you babe.

I thought I would add that even when people miscarry, positives test often still show up. I know it must be hard to stop taking the tests as you need constant reassurance (we've all been there).

How about buying a digital one, taking a pic and using it as your background on your PC so whenever you need reassurance you can look at it?

Sherlock said:
Cheap tests often prove to be unreliable. .

i got my BFP on a ebay cheapie 7 days before a digital gave me one :shock: i found the cheapies really good :cheer:

but regarding testing every day, save your pennies babies cost enough as it is :rotfl: i know POAS addiction is hard to break :hug:
paradysso said:
Sherlock said:
Cheap tests often prove to be unreliable. .

i got my BFP on a ebay cheapie 7 days before a digital gave me one :shock: i found the cheapies really good :cheer:

Actually, I'm going to edit my post because although a lot of people that use them find them unreliable - I actually used four cheapies (same brand) thinking about it and all were ok... :shock:
:hug: :hug:

Thanks for the replys girls.. the line is still realli dark, but just slightly lighter..

I need to stop worring i know...

Its this silly head of mine hehe... got my first midwife app next Wednesday the 12th..

So i'm sure she'll put my mind at ease to..

I might have an early scan at about 7 weeks.. but hopefully by then i'll believe my lil Bean is ok :) thanks for posts girls xxxx
:hug: :hug:
Stop saying you are asking silly questions! If you have a concern, it is not silly! :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

Remember that it measures the amount of the hormone in your pee. If you have drunk twice as much it would be more diluted. If you do the test first thing in the morning then it would (I think) be stronger. Also, I think it makes a difference whether you use the pee from when you start peeing or from midflow. It certainly does for the pee tests for the midwife (for proteins and whatnot, not whether you are pregnant).
You're so sweet... :hug: You don't ask silly questions at all, you are just doing al you can to make sure you are prepared! I can tell already that this baby is going to the right home!

I'm really glad you get a scan at 7 weeks, that will put your min at rest. And the 3 week wait is broken up with your MW appointment which is good!

You take it easy sweetie and enjoy your pregnancy before possible sickness kicks in lol

I think it is quite normal and have read of loads of people scaring themselves this way I think testing all the time does more harm then good when it comes to reasuring you, I think stopping testing would be beter and maybe talk to your doctor about how worried you are and how you are concerned being so worried could have a negative effect on baby so you would really like an early scan for reasurance so you can stop worrying they might say no but they might not is worth a go, my dating scan really helped to reasure me that all was ok and I think helped tri 1 go quicker! :hug: :hug:
thanks for replys girls..
i'm officially stupiddddd lol...

Well you know sometimes the cheap ebay tests fall apart, blue bit falls off etc..

well i have been comparing my tests.. and instead of comparing it to the test line, i've been comparing it to the control line, one test was slightly lighter but forgot i finished work hr later so obveously drank more.. :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

i'm sooo silly, so yeh tests are lookin just fine hehe.. this lil beans sticking.. :pray: :pray:

thanks girls.. xxx

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