Southern Meet Up(please read)

I lived here for nearly 6 years and have to look places up :wall: . It is a little more to the north, near Barrie. Most likely your fly into Toronto though.
I've stickied the meet thread in off topic Jaidy! So you can converse there about it too :D
yeah thats wehre jases mym and dad flew too.

they took some fantastic pictures of teh falls, and they went up the top of some tower and took greast pics from up there too

Sami said:
I've stickied the meet thread in off topic Jaidy! So you can converse there about it too :D

you are top banana - cheers hun! :D
Im from hayes, middlesex.. maybe we should find baby play areas then decide on one thats closest to all??
I think for the originators of this thread southampton is far to far out of the way as flossy, sarah and and me are east anglia (Im suffolk coast) So I think we need to southern meets, one for the south in southampton and a second one that covered east anglia and london. I will have a look in the 'where are you all map' and see where is most suitable for people and start an east and central meet thread too.
good idea hun southampton is a lil to far for me
i just think no one wants to meet me anf flossy lol
i want to see you guys - can you move to nearer me please?

i dunno we get this amzing thing called internet where we can speak to people all over the world and what happens? we still moan cos we want to meet each other and its too far :lol:

my dad is going to brighton in two weeks and i begged him to let me go but he wont evil man
aw no Sarah - gutted you could have met up with me, Nicki & Duds (and poss Davina as she isnt far) :(

boooooo sarahs dad - please let her come or we'll cry :cry: !

sarah i am going to colchester ina few weeks, possibly the end of october. i will let you know exactly where i am going so maybe we could meet for a couple of hours.

what about meeting in brighton?? or is that too far??

i will never find my way to southampton :rotfl: even by train, i get lost around where i live :rotfl: :rotfl:
Ha ha ha Southampton would take me about 5 hours to get too, curse this arse of england and its stuck out east coast!

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