Sound Reasonable?


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2008
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I am looking after my 10 year old brother for the 6 week holidays. I want to lay dow some ground rules as I don't want the house becoming the street's holiday club! Do these sound fair? Anything I've forgotten about?! Obviously I will have Evie so need to be doing stuff; whereas he plays out with his mates most of the time.

1. If I need to go somewhere (clinic, appointments, shopping etc) he comes with me without kicking off.

2. No more than one friend in the house at once. No more than 3 friends in the garden

3. Am only making food/drinks for kids if my parents have told me about it beforehand.

4. He has to check in every hour so I know he's safe. I have Evie and don't want to be trawling the street lookimg for him.

If he breaks any of the rules/speaks to me really rudely (he doesn't have ANY respect for me at all so I'm dreading the next 6 weeks :roll: ) then what do I do? TBH I don't want a stroppy kid shouting abuse at me/slamming doors so I don't want to say he can't play out!

HELP HELP HELP! My Hell starts from Thursday :|

Nah i'm only joking, them rules sound fine to me as long as they are set the minute he comes into your house and then he has no excuse!

I would also say to him that if he speaks to you rudely or behaves in a way that you don't like, then you will be keeping him in the house and he wont be allowed out to play with his friends, no computer games and no treats or anything. That should make him have a bit of respect for you.

I would set a certain time for him to be in the house in the evening, to save arguements
And then the most impostant rule WHAT EVER YOU SAY GOES, YOUR THE BOSS.
1. If I need to go somewhere (clinic, appointments, shopping etc) he comes with me without kicking off.
sounds fair unless you're just going round the corner

2. No more than one friend in the house at once. No more than 3 friends in the garden
TBH 3 friends in the garden is 4 10 year olds and they can be a pain... maybe say max of 3 but he has to ask you first... sometimes you may want a break and say no, and he'll kick off if he's been told he can have 3 all the time.

3. Am only making food/drinks for kids if my parents have told me about it beforehand.
surely you can make squash without agreement? I would your folks them to buy a bottle and some snacks cos they'll pester you otherwise

4. He has to check in every hour so I know he's safe. I have Evie and don't want to be trawling the street lookimg for him.
I would rather just agree a set time each day he has to come back by? he'll moan about that and his mates will take the piss I reckon

If he plays up, take something away... does he have a ds or playstation or anything? you may well end up keeping him in though.
Urchin said:
1. If I need to go somewhere (clinic, appointments, shopping etc) he comes with me without kicking off.
sounds fair unless you're just going round the corner

2. No more than one friend in the house at once. No more than 3 friends in the garden
TBH 3 friends in the garden is 4 10 year olds and they can be a pain... maybe say max of 3 but he has to ask you first... sometimes you may want a break and say no, and he'll kick off if he's been told he can have 3 all the time.

3. Am only making food/drinks for kids if my parents have told me about it beforehand.
surely you can make squash without agreement? I would your folks them to buy a bottle and some snacks cos they'll pester you otherwise

4. He has to check in every hour so I know he's safe. I have Evie and don't want to be trawling the street lookimg for him.
I would rather just agree a set time each day he has to come back by? he'll moan about that and his mates will take the p*ss I reckon

If he plays up, take something away... does he have a ds or playstation or anything? you may well end up keeping him in though.

He plays out with his mates in the park across the road but I can't see him- I don't want to say he can go off for a few hours at a time as he plays with older kids and I'm a bit worried he'll take the piss. He's only 10 which I think is quite young to go for more than an hour.

I don't mind making squash for friends- I was going to just make a jug or two up for him to use but he normally raids the fridge for coke/lemonade and it's gone within 20mins! :roll:

My mu has told him he'll have his ds and playstation taken away if he mucks up and he'll have to go to bed at 'school night' times.

I'm dreading this :(
aw :hug:

I can see how it will be daunting, but you may be pleasantly surprised, good luck :)
bloomin eck your brave!!! How come your having him for the 6 weeks? Have you done something wrong?? :lol:

Seriously though, your rules that have been tweaked a bit by Urchin sound fine. Does he have a mobile phone? Makes things easier for you to get in touch with him if need be rather than him having to run across all the time and its a condition that he answers it and if he doesnt then its one of the punishments you mentioned.

Good luck chick!

have to agree with urchn.. maybe have check ins every few hrs?say he goes out at 10.. then lunch time is about 12.. so chk in then.. then at 3.. for something to eat again then 6 then in for the night at whetever time u choose..makesure u lay the rules down to ur parent.s. ahve maybe have them written up and put on the fridge.. and get ur parets to tell him directly that you are in charge.. and any shit and he will ahve his stuff taken away.. makesure that you all are ont eh same wave length.. xx
You may want to say only have a friend in the house if Evie isn't sleeping, the thought of a couple of 10yo upstairs (my one 10yo sounds like a baby elephant at the best of times) and a niggly young baby trying to sleep would fill me with dread....

I agree with checking in every few hours too, my kid has no concept of time but his belly tells him to check in at regular enough intervals :rotfl:

State that if he don't behave you reserve the right to phone Oprah/Jeremy Kyle/Ricki Lake and send him to boot camp at your parents expense!!!!!!!!!

Good luck (you'll need it)

Sarah xxx
ps don't let him on pc too much - you may get PF withdrawals :wink:
oooh I thought of a good punishment, buy one of those kids maths work books and he has to do homework if he's naughty!!
Urchin said:
oooh I thought of a good punishment, buy one of those kids maths work books and he has to do homework if he's naughty!!

HA! my brother is a bit of a genius- he has ADHD and slight autism but it's only his social skills which are a bit skeww whiff. He thinks maths is fun! :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
Jade&Evie said:
Urchin said:
oooh I thought of a good punishment, buy one of those kids maths work books and he has to do homework if he's naughty!!

HA! my brother is a bit of a genius- he has ADHD and slight autism but it's only his social skills which are a bit skeww whiff. He thinks maths is fun! :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

There's got to be some part of school work he hates? Get him to write an essay or something :lol:

Anyway if he loves maths that might be a good way to keep him quiet for a bit even if he's been good LOL ;)
:shhh: I've barely seen him today- he just pokes his head in the window every now and then!

This might be easy money.... :rotfl:
Lets hope the weather stays nice so he can play out most days. Is he stopping overnight as well or is it for when your folks are at work? I must say, your an absolute angel doing that for your parents, I dont think I would want to.
xkikix said:
Lets hope the weather stays nice so he can play out most days. Is he stopping overnight as well or is it for when your folks are at work? I must say, your an absolute angel doing that for your parents, I dont think I would want to.

my mum and dad are both working so they are paying me 60% of what they would have had to pay a childminder/holiday club.

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