sorry to interupt u girlies but could yoy help me ?


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2006
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my first day of last period was 2nd june abd my DP and i had an "accident last night" im not to good with working out if its a "safe" time to have had an accident or not..... :? sorry to sound thick, and sorry about posting on ur TTC board but im guessing u all know about ovulation thanks in advance :hug:
normall ovulation takes 14 days after your period sounds like by your dates that u bd during ovulation.
yeah, sounds to me like you were definitely in your 'fertile period' when the accident happened.

What would you do if you were to get pregnant? Is it an option or definitely not? If not, you might want to seek your GPs advice now because you are still in the window where you could take the morning after pill.

OV takes place 14 day before you next period. So you would have to work out your average cycle length and count back 14 days from then. i.e. if you have a 28 day cycle you would OV around CD14, if you have a 30 day cycle you would OV around CD16 and so on. It's a common misconception that you OV 14 days after your period, you actually OV 14 days before you next one is due. :hug:
Yer you would have been very close to Ovulation.,

I sugest you get the morning after pill if you dont wish to get PG.

:hug: :hug:
Hi Rian, if you really don't want to be pg maybe you should consider getting the morning after pill just in case. I hope you get the result you're after.

eta: Have you considered trying long term contraception? I had a coil for 3 years because I know at that time OH would have been really angry if Id fallen pg. I found it to be really good, and it took any uncertainty out of it...just an idea :hug:
Hi Hon,

How long is your cycle usually? Basically the 14 day rule is a myth and ovulation can happen a lot earlier or later than that. The phase after you ovulate is known as the lutheal phase and this usually lasts approx 14 - 16 days. So if you are regular and you know how long your cycles are you can count back from when your period begins. For example I have a 31 day cycle and ovulate on day 17. Leaving the lutheal phase at 14 days after I ovulate and that is why my cycle is so long. Some people have a very short cycle because they ovulate early. So a lady who has a 23 day cycle ovulates around day 9.

Hope this makes sense.

Becs :hug:
thanks girls...ur so helpful we already have a 7 month old baby boy who we love dearly :lol: i have had a very bad reaction to the MA pill so not sure what to do :think: although we have always said we would never abort unless medicaly do i wait an see ? as my cycles could possibly be irregular due to a recent pregnancey?? so so worried yet confused :think: :think: :( :(

thanks so far for all ur help ur lovely people on this board and i wish u all the best of luck TTC :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
there may be a different make of MA pill that you could try. I'd speak to your GP and see what they say. If you can't take them, then wait and see what happens.

As many of the TTCers will tell you, it seems very difficult to get pregnant when you are actually trying, so it's unlikely, but then accidents do happen and you never know.


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