sorry to interupt but could i have some help?


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2006
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i know u ladies are up to date on testing etc...well i have just got BFP with a clear blue digital - only we were not trying for a baby i have just started the pill this month so im not sure what has happend :oops: only i have read that a few clear blue digitals have given fales positives ??? im not due on AF till thursday but have been peeing a lot more.

how can i tell if this BFP is real or not ?? :(
its very unlikely that its false!

so its congratulations :shock:
mum2be? said:
its very unlikely that its false!

so its congratulations :shock:

we OH wants 5 kids - but urrmmmm we already have an 8 month old son so im not too sure what to think or what he will think with two so close together :think: :shock:
I would say you are PG but best to get another test(different brand) to check.

Don't worry about having 2 so close together.
Think of the money you will save not having to buy new - the stuff you bought this time round will still be almost brand new! :D
Well buy another brand test and decide what you want to do from there.If its positive you better sit down and break the news gently to your oh.

Good luck
Hi ya, I had my two close together, was pregnant when my first was 8 months they are now 8 and 7 and its really good having them close together, now trying for a third, not sure how thats gonna go with a big gap!!!
thanks for the help ladies - im so so so dreading having to tell him what do i say/ how do i say it :roll: :roll: :( :? :? :think:
well what can he say? :D

I suggest you tell him that you've made a good start on the 5 :D
Congratulations :D I bet your OH will be made up :)
hehe congrats!!!

just tell him he has only got to make 3 more babies :rotfl:
paradysso said:
hehe congrats!!!

just tell him he has only got to make 3 more babies :rotfl:

well thats made me laugh :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: - u girls are very nice on here (ttc board) :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Congratulations! And it can be a shock at first, but in a week or so you'll both be absolutely mad for it :)
I would work on the 'its saving us money angle'. We'll have to buy everything new when I finally get PG cos we got rid of all james' baby stuff years ago :wall:

Good luck telling him, I'm sure he'd be fine seeing as you'd agreed to have more children anyway.

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