sorry its long but please help :|


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Jul 16, 2011
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I know this probably sounds strange but im 23 weeks pregnant with my first baby, its a girl and we are naming her Aliya May. :) Since finding out i was expecting (she was planned) I haven't felt any different? I know I'm pregnant, obviously, but i just feel like me... I'v been very lucky and had no moring sickness, backaches, cramps ect and I think because I was expecting to feel these symptoms I feel like my pregnancy is somehow going on but I'm not experienceing it. It seems like everyone around me is super excited about baby but I'm not, I love looking at baby clothes and feeling her kicking around in there but for the most part of the day I just feel kinda, numb? I keep wondering if what I'm feeling is normal? and if i feel like this now, when I'm suppost to be excited and preparing for motherhood, how am I going to cope when shes finally here? Will I be a terrible mum for feeling nothing while pregnant? :wall2:
my brother and sister-in-law are expecting there first baby aswell and I seem to be more excited about becoming and Aunt than I am about being a mum :shock:
sorry this is so long, I'm just not sure where else to go, no one seems to understand and its really hard to describe.

I would be very greatful if anyone can help?
thanks x
The way you're feeling is surprisingly common, don't worry. So many people find it hard to get excited about it when they feel exactly as they always have and don't really have any idea of what life will be like once their baby is here so it's difficult to look forward to it. Lots of women complain that their partners don't seem particularly excited about their pregnancy but to them, apart from the fact that their partner is getting bigger, nothing has really changed to them during the pregnancy - it doesn't stop them from being wonderful parents the second that their world is turned upside down when the baby arrives! When you're having no symptoms other than a growing belly and the odd poke, and you know nothing is going to happen any time soon it can be hard to spend all your time excited about your new arrival, however much it was planned and wanted - I think while we're planning to have a family we have an idea of how it'll feel to be pregnant and preparing for having a baby and we expect to be constantly overwhelmed by it, so in reality just 'looking forward to it' seems like nothing (if that makes sense? I'm half asleep!) x
Hey hunnie, congratulations on your baby girl :) Gorgeous name too!
Like you I don't have any symptoms either. We're very lucky!! My breasts are bigger but that's really about it.

A lot of women aren't 'ready' to be mummy's even when they are pregnant. This is why a lot of women hit the 'nesting stage' usually in later pregnancy.

I think that when you become closer to your due date, you'll feel more towards your little girl. Of course you'll be a good mum! You seem prepared. And when you see your baby for the first time, that's when you'll feel something out of this world. xxx
I felt like this with my first two pregnancies!! It doesn't mean you are going to be a bad mum! As soon as they was born, those feelings changed completely!! I too had no sickness or anything! Try not to worry hun, once she is here all will be different :) beautiful name by the way x x
Hey hun,
I aghow agree with the others, I think how u feel now will change the close you get to due date and when she is here I'm sure u will definately feel like a mummy and be a fab one at that! Maybe try and spend more time bonding with you bump, talk to it, sing to it, anything, it might help u feel a bit closer to LO xxxx
Hi Dee, I feel the same! Had some sickness and now getting the odd poke, but I still feel like my usual self. Feel bad in work when people say "oh, are you overjoyed?!" and I want to say "er, no, not really". I did say that once, explaining that I didn't feel any different, but the woman gave me evils and now has me written off as heartless. Lol. I just won't believe it til I pop, that's all!
I know I'll feel different when we're preparing in the final weeks, buying things and getting ready, but for now I'm just enjoying feeling normal while it lasts!
Thanks ladies :), its so good to know that what I am feeling is normal, its such a relief to know I'm not the only one lol Iv tried explaining how I feel to so many people and they just dont seem to understand why im not over excited lol, i just tell them im hormonal, tired ect lol cause i give up trying to explain. Its so lovely to know others out there feel the same xx

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