Sorry for the late update


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2008
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Well been lurking for a few days, but was trying not to tempt fate by saying anything, as this is my first month off the pill and there was no sign of AF, so wasnt sure what would happen and when.

Yesterday CD 33 - AF arrived, she got me on a train on the way to Paris - how typical is that!!!!

However although I was of course a little disappointed, having been on the pill for 19 years non stop Im really pleased that my body has gotten back to normal in the first cycle off the pill, and know that many of you had to wait a while for things to return to normal! So from that point of view Im actually really happy :D

Im sure I ovulated on the 7th April which would have been right in the middle of my cycle, of course until a couple of months have passed I cannot predict exactly when O will take place, but was so sure I felt it this month, and would fit well with dates!

Im now ready to begin again in May, and feel a little less stressed about it all now!

Congrats to everyone with their BFP's this month, and Ill be putting myself on the testing thread for next month!
:hug: sorry it wasnt your month but :cheer: yeh for a normal cycle, good luck next month
sorry this month wasnt your month hun but good your cycles are back to normal quickly :cheer: good luck for next month xxxxx

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