Sorry for my long and confused moan....


Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2008
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This cycle has been the most confusing ever :? :?

Im currently on about CD24, my last cycle was 27 days long. I worked out that I should have OV around the 15/16/17th November and was due to test this weekend. Towards the end of last week I was getting some really positive symptoms (nausea, windy and bloated, weird taste, fatigue) and started getting really excited!!

I posted last night to say that CM over the past 7 weeks has been practically non existant but that since Saturday Id been constantly damp with the stuff! I received replies saying that maybe Id had delayed OV this cycle and that I was OV now and not on the 17th :? I also posted on Sunday (confused as always) to ask what the bad AF like cramps could be that filtered down to being a sharp pain in my right side on Sunday morning and I guess if I have ovulated this weekend the pain could have been that

If I have just OV that means that I wont be able to test this weekend as I expected as even if i did get pg it wont show up yet. :wall:

My new headache is that this morning my CM has died down almost completely but when I wiped after using the loo three times this morning it was definately a light shade of brown.

I think I really am loosing the plot. Just want to get my BFP so I can concentrate on something more than ttc. Sorry for the moan, just wondered if anyone else got funny cycles or had any opinions on whats going on with mine

Right, in the absence of alcohol I think I need some chocolate after that rant and you lot probably need some paracetamols :bored:
Hmmm looking at alll your symptoms it could go 2 ways:

*cramps on sat could have been ovulation pain and the brown cm could be ov bleeding meaning you had a delayed cycle this month
(I often get windy,bloated, nauseous and tired around ov too.....!)

*cramps could have been early pregnancy symptom and brown cm implantation bleeding

The way your cm has almost gone now makes me lean towards ovulation last weekend rather than early preg as a lot of ladies get increased cm in early preg.

I temp as well as my cm is a bit erratic, so the thermal shift tells me whether I have ov'd or not.

Hope this helps, good luck!xxxx
thanks for the feedback emmalouise, it looks like Ill just have to keep my fingers crossed and wait and see what happens xx

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