sorry for all the questions but.........


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2011
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Hey girls, I'm sorry that all I seem to do is ask questions on here but I've very confused with my AF now

I was due AF on 27 aug, only had a small show of blood in morn, was like that for 3 days, then really really light up to CD6, in the evening of CD6 there was morew blood. Anyway today CD7 I have leaked through my tampax (sorry tmi) I thought I'd be ok to change at lunch time as I've been really light but ohhhh nooo I'd leaked through :(

I don't know what to class as my CD1 now??

Do I count CD1 as the first show of blood on 27th??

I'm very confused now :(

Talk bout stress

Thanks in advance guys, I'm sorry to be a pain in the bum.

Baby dust to u all :) :)
I think (and I should say here I am no expert!) but I think you class the first day as the day off full bleed not just spotting.

Not sure that helps at all!

:dust: to you!

hi babyg, cd 1 is the day you need full sanitary protection, either a pad or a tampon (not a pantyliner), so if today was the first day of actual bleeding and you were spotting yesterday you need to count today (sat) as day 1.
thanks for the replies, soo loooks like im on CD4 now then not CD9 lol very confusing.

change dates on my ov app and bf home on my most fertile days accoring to that now wooo so maybe a good thing AF took her time getting here now :)
change dates on my ov app and bf home on my most fertile days accoring to that now wooo so maybe a good thing AF took her time getting here now :)

hey thats good news! get bding and hopefully you will get your BFP!!

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