Sorry been distant


Active Member
May 24, 2011
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Hi guys sorry not been on in a bit and prob not for a while as I've been very yucky. Not been able to keep any food down since Tue which hasn't been good. Doctor worried and said if I'm not better this weekend I've to go to hospital for a drip. I've been so down as too many people ie close family friends who know now have been patronising during week saying basically deal with it it's morning sickness. Egg on their faces after I told them the latest. Off for a scan on Mon AM... Won't see much but the doc insisted to check alls well. So again soils just very tired n weak so just sleeping. Ps I think I'm a trouper as I've still been to work putting on a smile! Hope all you ladies are ok catch up soon xx
Aw bless you! Hope the sickness subsides soon! And scan goes well x
Oh no! That sounds awful! I hope you feel better soon and that alls well with the scan! And that your friends are a little more sympathetic now they know it's more serious. Big hugs xx <3
Hope you feel better soon hun :hug: xxx
Oh u poor thing! Feel better soon and best of luck with ur scan!
I have only had mild ms and havnt coped well with that so I can't imagine how you must be feeling, fingers crossed for you that it soon passes and you can't start enjoying being pregnant xx

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