Sore bump?


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2007
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Today my bump has been a bit achy, yesterday I had a real sharp pain as though LO was really turning around in there and scraping my right side. It only lasted for a minute or so and then was back to normal. I've felt him kick today so am not overly worried but like I've said my bump feels sore on the inside where the scraping was yesterday.

Has anyone else had this? Is it something I should be worried about? I'm seeing the midwife on Thursday as we are off on holiday on Saturday :cheer: and I wanted a fit to fly letter just in case they think I'm further ahead than I am and refuse to let me fly. I will mention it to her but just wanted to see if this was normal! :D
Yeah it sounds like it hun! :hug:

I've been feeling like I have been beaten up around my ribs, they're really sore and feel bruised... Same with my sides.. It's sounds completely normal, just stretching!

Plus, your little boy is probably moving in places that he hasn't moved before which is making you ache.

You watch, your bump will pop again soon! xx
Aww hes having a good rumage in there then ?!?! Its worth asking about isnt it but i think danni's right, hed probably just exploring, you just have to hope he doesnt get to comfy in the achey part i guess :S
Thanks Dannii :D I thought it may be a normal feeling. Poor you feeling all bruised :hug: Evie sounds like a real livewire :D

I am feeling big already, he can't be growing again!! :shock: I predict I am going to be the biggest bump when we reach tri three :oops: :D

Scatter, it did feel like a good old rummage in there yesterday, I hope he isn't running out of room - I don't want an 11 pounder! :rotfl:
11? Sounds like yours is a 20 pounder! :lol:

I've often wondered if the girls who had the smallest bumps to start with will have the biggest babies and vice versa! :think:

Who knows, you might sprout once again! Keep checking on that tum! xx
Arrrgghhh :shock: :shock: 20 pounder makes an 11 pounder seem feasible :lol: :rotfl:

I'm liking your theory on big bumps = small babies - although to be honest, I will be crying like a baby and demanding pain relief regardless of his size ;)

It is bump picture day tomorrow for me and I will do a special edition beach backdrop bump picture next week too! I am feeling huge so perhaps the sprouting has already happened!
Danni dont say thatt i still havent got a bump !!!! Dont think i could handle a biff !!!! Still if that theory works then at least you'll be having a little one eh mildy :dance:
Yes perhaps you're having the 20 pounder Scatter ;) Don't worry, I'm sure it won't hurt ... much :lol:

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