I know this isnt a pregnancy symptom, but has anyone had this before AF was due?
I am currently at 9 dpo (CD26 of a 31 day cycle) and two days ago I started to get a very sore right armpit! This sounds so weird, when I read it back! There is no redness or lump under my arm but sometimes I get a twinge or pain in it and every time I press it, it feels like is is bruised!
I know this isnt a pregnancy symptom, but has anyone had this before AF was due?
I am currently at 9 dpo (CD26 of a 31 day cycle) and two days ago I started to get a very sore right armpit! This sounds so weird, when I read it back! There is no redness or lump under my arm but sometimes I get a twinge or pain in it and every time I press it, it feels like is is bruised!