Soon to be in England, 32 and expecting my first :)


Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2011
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Hello all! I am a Canadian that is currently living in America and married to an Englishman. We have decided it's best we move to England to be near my Husband's extremely supportive family as we are expecting our first child! Due December 10th :)

I thought it would be a good idea for me to join an English forum so I can get a feel for what it will be like to have a child in England. Looking forward to getting to know you!
Hey :) Welcome to the will love it here...they ladies are so supportive.

Whereabouts in England are you moving to? xx
Hello and thanks for the welcome! My husband has a job in Leeds and is from Yorkshire, I think we are moving to just out of Leeds though as I don't know how I feel about living right in a city. I am REALLY excited to move to England! Europe seems very fancy to us North Americans, all my friends think I am going to be exotic now :lol:
Hey Hun!

Good luck with the move! I hope you settle in well and feel right at home.

Congratulations on your pregnancy too :)

You will make many new friends on here trust me.


Thanks! Everyone seems so nice so far from lurking, I am on another forum based in the USA and it's FULL of pregnancy hormones, which can be really amusing at times!
Hello and welcome to the forum!!! :)

Good luck withe the big move, hope all goes well!

Welcome! :D

I'm sure you'll love it over here :). I grew up in/around Leeds and it's a really nice part of the country. They've done a huge amount of work revamping the city centre over the last 20 years and it's now a shopping and culture paradise; full of pedestrian zones, coffee places and really nice shopping arcades, as well as a proper indoor market, all very exotic ;).
Thanks ladies! Alexandra, Leeds downtown is a really nice area! After seeing the downtown of some American cities it would have to be pretty bad to shock me at this point though ;) I love the shopping arcades, I could barely fit all the clothes back into my suitcase from my last visit. Hopefully while living there I can control myself!
Thanks ladies! Alexandra, Leeds downtown is a really nice area! After seeing the downtown of some American cities it would have to be pretty bad to shock me at this point though ;) I love the shopping arcades, I could barely fit all the clothes back into my suitcase from my last visit. Hopefully while living there I can control myself!

I'm sure that once you run out of wardrobe space you'll manage just fine lol :D
Hi and welcome to the pf and to England once you get here. xx
Hi :wave:

Welcome to PF, the girls here are fab & your make lots of new friends


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