Song in Emmerdale?


Well-Known Member
Nov 27, 2006
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Does anyone know who that song it from, the sad one at the end???

Ta x
No i turned it over to eastenders, can you fill me in on what happened?
oh i happened to watch emmerdale tonight!!

this is what happened.
well from where i started watching it from that is

someone went runing over to that ugly bloke with the bulbus nose and showed him a mobile phone. The bulbus nosed man looked upset. next thing you know is that the bulbus nosed man barges into the room where the girl who talks with a bunged up nose and looks like a bratz doll is talking to another girl whos married to marlon. The bulbus nosed man demands for them (the bunged up nosed girl) and him totbe left alone for 10 minutes. The bunged up nosed girl asks him whats wrong. He shows her the mobile phone. She said ''oh it was just one kiss that was all. Please believe me - i was upset and he tried to cheer me up as best he could'' He says '' what was you upset about? she says ''losing my modling job'' Then lida lusadi walks in and makes them see sense. He asks the bunged up nosed girl if there are anymore secrets and she says no. Then they both agree the wedding still on.
They are in the church. The bulbus nosed man hears a wolf whistle and looks round to see the bloke who kissed the bunged up nosed girl in the aisle. It was him who whislted. The bulbus nosed man attacks the bloke who kissed the bunged up nosed girl. He started smashing his head on the floor in the most disturbing way until he manages to say '' she was upset, i cheered her up as best i could, anyone would be upset after what she went through'' The bulbus man stops pounding the mans head on the floor and asked what he meant by that . STONEY SILENCE ALL IN THE CHURCH. bunged up nosed girl shakes her head as if saying don't say it. But he bloke who kissed her once to cheer her up said '' THE ABORTION!!!'' Bulbus nosed man lets bloke who kissed bunged up nosed girl go. He turns to bunged up nosed girl and said
''you were pregnant with HIS baby'' She says ''no not his'' he says ''OURS? you aborted our baby - you selfish slut (hedidn't say that but i like the word slut and she is one).

She cried. He storms off. usual crap.

credits run.

forgot to say linda lussadi looks sly.

dar dar dar dar dar
Thanks for the update, that really made me laugh :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

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