someone who was 3 weeks overdue...

Suzie and Faith

Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2007
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I didn't think it was allowed to happen but the daughter of my MIL's friend was allowed to go 21 days OVER DUE!!! before they induced her. Apparently they monitored her every day.

Seems a bit strange to me as i've never heard of it being done before - i thought 14 days was the absolute maximum!

Maybe someone got it wrong? Or thought 39 weeks as full term or something?

Anyone else heard of this happening?
i think if youve had an uncomplicated pregnancy and want to carry on some places allow this to happen with close monitoring.

am i right in thinking this??

im sure i've heard that somewhere before.

some women prefer nature to run its course with no or little medical intervention.
God bugger that !!!! How big was baby ? Ive never heard anything like it before either !!
It can be done. They will monitor and if the condition of the placenta or something deteriorates they will want to induce or something.

No one *has* to have an induction. If there are no problems and both mother and baby are well and being kept an eye on then going past 42 weeks can be done.

As some due dates are out by a bit it could be she was not that overdue so to speak.

We have 14 days here to go overdue and my MW has told me that a number of women have opted to not be induced by then and have waited till labour began naturally. They were monitored to make sure all was well.
I really want to go naturally this time, and hoping to avoid being induced. I was 14 days overdue and then induced with Jack. I didnt know at the time that you didnt have to be induced and I guess with it being my first I wanted baby to arrive sooner.

I know different this time!
So it can be done! I'm taking that as a good sign then! As she was with the same health trust/hospital as me i presume
providing baby is ok that i could choose to wait too!

The baby weight 9lb 13oz (i think) so it was big but not huge for 43 weeks!

Although i'd like as little medical intervention as possible i'm not sure i could cope with waiting until 43 weeks, i'm fed up as it is! I guess i shall wait and see!
BabyBee said:
So it can be done! I'm taking that as a good sign then! As she was with the same health trust/hospital as me i presume
providing baby is ok that i could choose to wait too!

The baby weight 9lb 13oz (i think) so it was big but not huge for 43 weeks!

Although i'd like as little medical intervention as possible i'm not sure i could cope with waiting until 43 weeks, i'm fed up as it is! I guess i shall wait and see!

Yup it can be. TBH though very few women actually go that far overdue. And often its not actually that far as dates are not an exact science. I'd think you would pop before then :hug: But it is good to know how things stand beforehand. I asked my MW about the policy here so know what I can ask for and so on.

They will want to monitor you if you choose to not be induced before 42 weeks though. And homebirth is well and truly out the window then. But you can keep it natural and wait for labour to start. All my reading/research indicates its far less stressful on mother and baby if labour occurs naturally so I'd be hanging on for it unless there was a real concern.

Like you I wonder about going on that long and if I'd be able to do it, but tbh I am still really active atm and so feel that so long as I can keep active and going I shall do so. OK its hard to sleep well and get comfy in a chair but minor things. My MW said she is sure I will go into labour on my own just fine, even if a bit past 40 weeks.
I'd be tempted to go over 2 weeks over-due.

I was 11 days over when they induced me and Lucy was born 13 days over.

Being induced for me was not the best experience at all and I would do my best to avoid it as long as I can. I'd be happy to go and be checked every day to avoid it as long as I can.

A relative of my hubby went 3 weeks over and the baby wasn't big and was born just fine. I think most hospitals and miwives will try to meet your wishes as long as the baby is ok.

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