Someone tell my OH he can go....

Little Bump

Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2008
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There's a bike show on at Peterborough on the 20th and 21st of September-my due date is the the 22nd.

We were originally both going, but to be honest I only really enjoy these things if I can get on and do my own thing, though I always go to support him. We were obviously going to go in the car though-I'm a bit big for the back of the bike just now :rotfl: plus with me on the back I think we'd end up doing wheelies most of the way :lol:

I told him to go by himself but he got a panic on, I told him that babies rarely arrive on their due dates anyway, but he won't have it and seems to think he'll miss everything!

Someone please tell him that the baby won't arrive in the 10-15 minutes it'll take him to get from Peterborough to home on his bike :rotfl: He doesn't get that it's not like it is on the soaps!
He'll be contactable right? Tell him to go, first babies are often late and labour may take a while. If you're hpapy to let him go, and you're happy you can get hold of him and get him to the hospital.

I'm going to Brands Hatch four days before my due date, I'm wondering if I'm mad or not, so my justification, nay, denial, is clearly present in my answer above too!
Of course he should go (if baby isn't already here by then :pray: ) It takes longer than that for my DH to get back from work and he's still working :D .
Hazel said:
Of course he should go (if baby isn't already here by then :pray: ) It takes longer than that for my DH to get back from work and he's still working :D .
:rotfl: same with me, so yeah he should go :)
Yeah my OH is working about 1 and a half hours drive away from home at the moment, tell your OH to go and enjoy himself :D
Aww bless him!!

Tell him to go :D Baby might already be here by then and you could go as a family?! xx
thats sweet!!

he should still go though, if your OH's anything like mine he will just get under your feet asking when your having this baby anyway, better out the way :)

my OH's about 15mins away when hes at work.
I think its lovely that he's thinking of you and worrying and great that you suport him to go without you so near your due date he should definately go! My DH also thinks everything is going to be as it is on the tv! :roll:
He sounds like a reeeeaaally sweet guy...but also very much the biker. He will not leave his "mate" unprotected. By all means, tell him you are happy for him to go, but dont expect him to, or try to force him into going or not going. One very good reason from your point of view, is that if you do have to phone him and tell him to head for hospital, you dont really want him on a bike. He will be "over excited, nervous, fill the gap" and in possible danger of crashing! Spoken from an inveterate pillion rider whose biker OH would feel the same. From personal experience, do let him be a knight in shining armour - it does them good and it IS a biker thing. :lol: There will be other shows and you will be able to take your young biker baby with you!

He should def go! My OH has a 1 and a half hour journey from work to deal with when I'm in labour. If you contact him early enough he'll get back to you when you're not even complaining yet!

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