somebody stop me!


Well-Known Member
Dec 16, 2007
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I received my sure start grant yesterday...WOOHOO!! Didnt think for a minute I would be entitled to it, but applied anyway, and got the letter back on thursday to say yes you can have it, will be paid into your bank tomorrow (yesterday) :cheer: Anyway, I got a little bit TOO excited and went to "browse" round the shops :lol: .....2 hours later I walk out of mothercare having spent over £200!!! And that was only on a few bits of clothing for E :shock: I dont mind too much, cos it was money I wasnt expecting so dont feel like Ive wasted it. They just have so many cute winter clothes in at the moment, and Im loving the fact I can buy little dresses and skirts for her, its something Ive been waiting to do for the last 9 months :wink:

Anyway, then I felt guilty cos I spent all that money on E and hadnt bought anything for T! :shakehead: So I then went into Next and spent another small fortune on buying stuff for him, and also got a few Christmas presents from ELC to ease my conscience. Had a lovely day, but on the way home checked my bank account and..... :shock: :shock: :shock: OMFG, I am almost skint! :oops: Please somebody stop me, my shopping is out of control :rotfl:
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hahaahahaha Dont worry im EXACTLY the same!!!!! I got paid £150 cash for working last week and was supposed to give it to my mum because i owed her £150 but she was on holiday so i thought id go to the shops just to have a look ;) And ended up buying loooads of stuff :oops:

Its sooo hard to resist tho isnt it!! WHY DO THEY DO SUCH GORGEOUS CLOTHES!?! And of course they HAVE to have them lol. Someitmes i do feel like im wasting my money slightly as they can only wear them for 3 months lol
:rotfl: Enjoy it!!! You deserve it after lending out your body for the last 9 months!! :cheer: xx

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