some-one please kick me up the bum


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2007
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i am moving in a couple of days and ive packed wait for it 1 whole box lol not even a big one
just a small box with andom bits in it
hmmm still got truck loads to go (im quite the hourder)
and why do i think i need a ciggie???? i quit like 2 months ago hmmm very strange
am on the diet coke hoping the sugar might get me in the mood
any tips for packing quiker?
manda xx
packing is a nightmare for anyone :(

i'm actually dreading having to move before the lo comes :roll:

it is really bad hubbys answer is dont do it then we have plenty of time!!!!
well if all goes to plan we will be moving (hopefully for the last time) just after lo is born so doubt il bother to unpack much this time lol
manda xx
I'm trying to pack stuff up to take to the car boot and charity shop to make some space and I'm rubbish at getting it done too. Keep getting distracted with things I find that I'd forgotten I had :)

Top tips are to bang some music on and set targets. I promise myself a brew and a biscuit if I clear a certain amount of floor space! It's annoying because you just know you'll feel better when it's all done but can't quite seem to get to the "done" point :wink:
lol thats exactly it i keep finding photos of me and friends and end up just sitting there thinking
we only moved in here in feb and collected alot more not to mension all the baby stuff aswell!!!
and btw huge congrats on your pregnancy :D
you need to get yourself a ticker
manda xx
targets is what i done last time too, it just seemed to be never ending though :lol:

manda - i'm having a crisis now too as i was supposed to be moving out at the end of the month but it was only a 1 bdrm so we have to find a 2 bdrm now :( it's so hard. have to save up for a deposit and legal fees too.. :wall:

well we have to leave here as cant afford the rent its £600pcm the place we are moving into is hubbys uncles place its same size but he only wants £400pcm dont need dept or anything which is good
dint pay a dept on this place as was on housing benifit so we dont get nothing back
and because the new place is only temp till the baby comes we are hoping council will find us a place even if its only 1 bed for the meantime
manda xx
Well good luck both of you - I know what a nightmare it can be. Luckily we didn't move house a couple of months ago or else we'd have a massive mortgage now and would be panicking about how we'd afford it.

Manda - working on the ticker thing but not very IT savvy here... :D
well ive managed some lol done 5 boxes (mostly scrabooking stuff and books) thrown out 2 black bags of rubbish :shock:
dint think i had that much rubbish
hehe glad to hear you are working on the ticker they are quite easy when you get the hang of them :D
manda xx
I hate moving, it's so stressful. We moved up here from Devon a year ago with our life packed in the back of a long wheel based van.
It took 18 hellish hours, never again :lol:
lol you moved from one end the other end of the uk sod that im only going down the road and round the corner
manda xx
we moved 6 monthsago and theres still stuff I havent unpacked :rotfl:

good lck with the move it mst be exciting to start in a new house and a baby congrats :D
good luck and make sure you don't lift anything too heavy, just do things in wee stages, we have been in our house 6 months too and not unpacked half the boxes, a bit at a time
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
does that answer you lol
not even close finaly moving on friday now due to a few unseen issues :)
manda xx

hope you're ok then hun, must be so stressful :(

Good Luck with the move Manda take it easy don't try and do to much.

Not long till 2nd tri now im keeping your seat warm :cheer:
im taking it very easy lol seem to have come to a halt in everything
dont help with it being so cold out makes me feel lazy!!!
yep roll on sunday for 2nd tri
manda xx

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