Some insightful info you may not have known.

Mama 2 Be

Well-Known Member
Oct 27, 2008
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You'll like this one! :lol:

Apparently, according to hubby's friend (who has NO children) those of us who are staying team green won't bond as well with our babies as those who are either team blue or pink! "When you know whether you are having a girl or a boy you bond more with your baby and therefore it's easier when the baby is born!" :shock:

Phew, thank god for that - I found out just in time to change my mind before our 20-week scan. :doh:

:talkhand: :talkhand:
What a load of old bull! :shakehead:

What other 'helpfull' info have you been told that you think we should all know?
I was told that a sickness bug I had a few weeks ago was due to feeling the first movements!
I have been pregnant before, and the movements did not make me feel sick at all, especially in the early days when it just felt bubbly! What a load of rubbish! :lol:
Shinymac said:
I was told that a sickness bug I had a few weeks ago was due to feeling the first movements!
I have been pregnant before, and the movements did not make me feel sick at all, especially in the early days when it just felt bubbly! What a load of rubbish! :lol:

Oh that's funny because I'm feeling v.sickly today - could be the baby's first movements! :think: :lol:
Here's a good one. According to my Nanna, "Don't worry about childbirth. All this talk about pain is nonsense, old wives tales!" :shock: :rotfl:

She's a hard woman my Nanna! x
I presume your Nana had babies in the days when they just put you under general anaesthetic and you were spark out during childbirth then?? Or was she a very early practitioner of hypno-birthing? :lol:
LittleMe said:
Here's a good one. According to my Nanna, "Don't worry about childbirth. All this talk about pain is nonsense, old wives tales!" :shock: :rotfl:

She's a hard woman my Nanna! x

That's hilarious! "Nanna, I've fallen over and the bone is poking out of my leg and there's blood everywhere!"

"Don't be so ridiculous, it's only a little graze."

:rotfl: :rotfl:

She probably popped her children out whilst cooking dinner for the whole family - woman were a lot tougher in those days :lol:
This post made me laugh :rotfl: Shame my poor bubba wont be bonding with me though as we're team green, looks like we're at a disadvantage already :lol: Honestly, some people!! I guess I never bonded with my mum then because obviously when I was born they couldnt tell you the sex! Amazing we all survived really :rotfl:
I do want to find out the sex of my baby although still waiting for OH to decide - i was told by one of his friends that finding out makes it worse if something goes wrong coz you name the baby and see it is a little person before it's born and he told me anyhting could happen before then or even in childbirth and you could loose the baby which would be worse if you had named it.

Idiot, firslty i dont wish to discuss whether or not my baby is going to survive with you you insensitive **** i really cant blieve he went on about that, telling me the different ways in which i could loose my baby! and secondly it doenst make a damned difference whether I knew the sex or not, if anything happened i'd be mortified either way.

It's always them men that say the stupidest things!!! I did want to smack him in the face and if we weren't at work i probably would ahve done!
I have a couple of corkers from my Gran, god love her!

Firstly, NEVER lift your arms above your head because if you do the cord will get caught around the baby's neck!!!!!!!!!!!! :shock: :lol:

So no washing your hair for 9 months or hanging the washing on the line!

Second corker...........

I was talking on the phone to my gran and she was asking how I was feeling at the time ( around 12-14 weeks) I was feeling VERY nauseas at the time and commented that I didn't feel this bad with my other pregnancies. My Gran then 'ooooh'd' and said well it could be changing sex then if your feeling so bad! :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

The mind boggles :rotfl:
Charlotte_faeriemad said:
I have a couple of corkers from my Gran, god love her!

Firstly, NEVER lift your arms above your head because if you do the cord will get caught around the baby's neck!!!!!!!!!!!! :shock: :lol:

So no washing your hair for 9 months or hanging the washing on the line!

Second corker...........

I was talking on the phone to my gran and she was asking how I was feeling at the time ( around 12-14 weeks) I was feeling VERY nauseas at the time and commented that I didn't feel this bad with my other pregnancies. My Gran then 'ooooh'd' and said well it could be changing sex then if your feeling so bad! :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

The mind boggles :rotfl:

:rotfl: :rotfl:

Loving the Nan's on this thread. The funny thing is that if someone you know said something like this you would have called him everything under the sun starting with 'Stupid ......' But because its the Nan's that are doing it you just have to listento them and say ok! :lol:

Sam08 - That's terrible men are so thick at times. :hug:

Same F***wit that came up with the bonding line told me that the sickness I was feeling when I was 12 weeks pregnant was the baby touching my liver. I told him that the baby hadn't even made it up out of my pelvis yet but he was having none of it. :roll:
Chopsie said:
I presume your Nana had babies in the days when they just put you under general anaesthetic and you were spark out during childbirth then?? Or was she a very early practitioner of hypno-birthing? :lol:

The funny thing is she actually had a difficult birth with my Dad. They had to "fetch" him (her words!) with forceps and she was awake through the whole thing! Funny though, she never had any more children! :lol:

Mama 2 Be said:
That's hilarious! "Nanna, I've fallen over and the bone is poking out of my leg and there's blood everywhere!"

"Don't be so ridiculous, it's only a little graze."

That's pretty much the story of my life with my Nanna! I actually believe that women were numb in those days! I wish I was - I'm such a wimp when it comes to pain!

Charlotte_faeriemad said:
I have a couple of corkers from my Gran, god love her!

Firstly, NEVER lift your arms above your head because if you do the cord will get caught around the baby's neck!!!!!!!!!!!! :shock: :lol:

So no washing your hair for 9 months or hanging the washing on the line!

Second corker...........

I was talking on the phone to my gran and she was asking how I was feeling at the time ( around 12-14 weeks) I was feeling VERY nauseas at the time and commented that I didn't feel this bad with my other pregnancies. My Gran then 'ooooh'd' and said well it could be changing sex then if your feeling so bad! :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

The mind boggles :rotfl:

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: I can't wait to be a Nan - you can say the funniest things and get away with it! x
lol funny thread keep up with the stories they are brill to read.
LittleMe said:
Here's a good one. According to my Nanna, "Don't worry about childbirth. All this talk about pain is nonsense, old wives tales!" :shock: :rotfl:

She's a hard woman my Nanna! x

My Nan says exactly the same, ha ha. She says 'I don't know what all this fuss and screaming is about, it's just like having a big p**h' Nice!
She had all of hers at home watching TV and smoking a cigarette, how things have changed :)
OH's nan told me i shouldnt cross my legs as its bad for the baby and to let the air get to my vagina as much as possible, helps the baby breathe! :rotfl:
Mummy2B2009 said:
OH's nan told me i shouldnt cross my legs as its bad for the baby and to let the air get to my vagina as much as possible, helps the baby breathe! :rotfl:

Too funny :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
My mum says it's ok to smoke as she did and it's all balony when they tell you you shouldnt eat this and that cos they didnt warn you in her day, oh and if i dont have a clip on the babies cord it'll bleed to death even though some mothers refuse it not to mention animals don't have clips and they didnt before plastic was inveted..... :roll:

I used to think my mum knew everything when i was little and really she knows nothing! I guess mine will be saying the same about me one day :)

re crossing legs, she's right you shoudlnt! but only cos you might get varicose veins!!

I would dread to think what my nana would come out with where she still alive!
haribo_princess said:
LittleMe said:
Here's a good one. According to my Nanna, "Don't worry about childbirth. All this talk about pain is nonsense, old wives tales!" :shock: :rotfl:

She's a hard woman my Nanna! x

My Nan says exactly the same, ha ha. She says 'I don't know what all this fuss and screaming is about, it's just like having a big p**h' Nice!
She had all of hers at home watching TV and smoking a cigarette, how things have changed :)

Funny that's just how my mam was born. My Nana went to the loo and came back with a baby. The family always say "Our Kathleen was born in a bucket" (They didn't have inside loos back then ;) ) :rotfl:

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