Some help with feeding issues, please!


Dec 11, 2007
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Hi all,

Kaden is now 15 weeks old, and up until the last week or so, has always fed from both breast and bottle without too many problems.

However, for the last week, bottle feeding has become much more of a problem. The bottle almost seems as though its causing him pain of some sort, as he just won't start to suck for a long time, and then if he does start to suck, he starts to cry almost immediately, and then stops sucking again.

He is much better on the breast, by my OH isn't convinced he's getting enough milk that way, and so the bottle element is necessary.

We've tried feeding him bottle first, and then breast, and vice versa, and neither way seems to work. He seems hungry because he takes the teat very quickly, but as soon as its in his mouth the problems start. He either just pushes the teat around with his tongue, or will push the bottle out of the way with his hands.

He has also started chewing his hand lately, and has always had lots of bubbles/drool coming from his mouth. I did wonder if he was teething, but surely its way too early for that?

Drs have had a look and can't see anything obvious (no sign of thrush etc), so has just asked us to take a urine sample in to check for infections. Any other ideas on what may be causing this?

Also, his nappies seem less heavy lately too, so we're beginning to get concerned that he's not getting enough milk.

Thanks in advance,

Why does your OH not think he's eating enough?

And I don't think it is too early for teething to start.
hi tony

i second nicky's post... why does your OH not think your LO is getting enough from the boob? i know its really hard to tell how much they're getting, but wet nappies and weight gain (which doesn't have to match the formula charts in most red books BTW) are a good indication that they're feeding well. if boob feeding isn't upsetting kaden then i'm tempted to say just stick with that :think:

it could well be teething, its never too early for that :wink: connor always finds feeding more difficult when his mouth his hurting - understandable really - but i'd have thought in that case kaden would have found bottle feeding easier than the breast as they have to work much harder at the latter.

i'm afraid i'm no expert when it comes to bottle feeding, but maybe you should try different teats and see how you get on?
NickyB said:
Why does your OH not think he's eating enough?

Well mainly because she often doesn't feel "very full". She's also found that there's sometimes not as much as she expected when she expresses.

Breastfeeding is quite frustrating sometimes because you never actually know how much LO has actually taken!

The red book didn't help as he has also dropped from the 25th percentile down to the 9th! Now weighs 10lb 12oz (born at 5lb 3oz @ 36 + 6).

I guess the main cause for concern is that up until a week ago, he fed really well, whereas now its really really difficult to get anything into him!
Could be colic that why your LO is having problems feeding with the bottle.

Try some infacol and see how you get on - it should help.

Personally if he's fine on the breast then I would stick to that and leave the bottles out completely. You never know how much a breast fed baby gets but as long as they are putting on weight and having plenty of wet and dirty nappies then thats an indication that everything is fine

Oh and my LO was never on the bloody lines! And he was breastfed. The charts are bottle fed averages so I wouldn't be worried. Go by actual weight increase.

I never felt full and my LO was getting enough ;)
Also, expressing doesn't give a very good indication of your milk, you'll find a baby will easily get more than a pump or your hand.

I think, after the initial pain, the worst part of BFing is not knowing how much they're taking at the beginning.
tb261 said:
NickyB said:
Why does your OH not think he's eating enough?

Well mainly because she often doesn't feel "very full". She's also found that there's sometimes not as much as she expected when she expresses.

Breastfeeding is quite frustrating sometimes because you never actually know how much LO has actually taken!

The red book didn't help as he has also dropped from the 25th percentile down to the 9th! Now weighs 10lb 12oz (born at 5lb 3oz @ 36 + 6).

ok, first things first :) :) my boobs never feel 'full', and lots of people bf successfully but are unable to express anything at all. neither are indications of poor supply, i promise :D

my LO was born on the 9th centile and dropped off the bottom of the charts for a while - i became v paranoid about bf-ing him, especially when HV's were pressuring me to give formula top-ups. my LO struggled to latch as well, so it all became rather stressful. what i eventually realised is that babies don't subscribe to charts and averages.

your LO should be doing about 5-6 wet nappies a day. if kaden's doing these and is generally content and gaining some weight (not losing) then i don't think you have cause to worry. trust your instincts though, they're much more attuned than most people give credit for.

one thing i will add - you're heading v close to the 4 month growth spurt. it can be pretty hellish (sleepless nights, fussiness, constant feeding) but it won't last. there is a chance that it might have started already :think: :think:

if kaden's bottle discomfort is because of teething, try ashton & parsons powder / teething necklace / baby bonjela.

:hug: :hug:
Some great advice already on here - only thing I would add if you want/need to continue with the bottle would be potentially changing the teat to a faster flowing one as he may be getting frustrated if still on a newborn/slow flowing teat.
I also breastfeed and never ever feel full. Not like the early days! And also Angel hates the thought if a bottle. She chokes on it. I've tried and given up. I'm more than happy to continue with just boob, as it's what Angel wants. I only have 4 wet nappies a day.
As IsaB said, just try different teats/bottles if you carry on trying bottles.
Hi again,

Just thought I'd post a progress update in case anyone else is experiencing similar problems.

Kadens urine sample had a couple of elevated levels, so a trip to the hospital followed, and it looks as though he may have a urinary infection. This also often has a side-effect of reducing their appetite.

He's now on a 3 day course (last day today) of antibiotics, and we've also moved onto the number 3 Avent teat. So far he seems to be feeding a bit better now, so fingers crossed the improvement will carry on.

Many thanks for all of the advice offered.


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