some fucked up news :( ***UPDATE***PAGE 2


Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2006
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today i was awaking by a phone call from one of my old friends i haven't seen in about 8 months.....

she told me that one of are old friends had died in a car crash in the early hours of friday :cry: :cry:

she was driving... don't really know the whole story yet but her and another person she was with died at the scene... there where four people traveling with her and the other two are okay..

i can't believe it... she was such a beautiful person and she was still in her 20's... she was so bubbly and full of life.. she was the life of a party

and now she is not here :wall: :wall:

i'm so feeling for her brother who is my best friends partner and there sister... and parents :(
I am so sorry hun
Ive lost two of my friends who were 17 and 18,
I know how you feel and if you need a chat im a PM away :hug: :hug:
thanks hun... i just cn't beileve it... it's always the good ones :cry:
aww Neeko, that is really very sad news. I hope you are ok. It is so tragic when a good, young life is taken so pointlessly.

You and her family are in my thoughts honey :hug:
so sorry to hear that hun, there is nothing to say that can make it better :cry: my thought are with you hun :hug:
oh neeko_1 im so sorry huni, nothing anything i say will take the pain away, but here have a :hug: anyway, my thoughts are with you and the familys
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx :hug: :hug: :hug:
So sorry to hear that, I lost a very dear friend of mine very suddenly when she was 26 and my husband lost one of his last year at 29 and so I know what you're going through and how much it hurts when it's sudden and they're so young. My friend Rebecca was the life and soul of the party too- she had a fabulous sense of fun and really enjoyed the time she had and lived life to the full which makes me glad now (though it made it harder to begin with) because her 26 years were years of joy for her.

Everyone says it but it's true that time will help you to remember her for all of the good memories you have of her and the pain will become less eventually. The only way I could deal with my loss was to think of all sorts of positive things to do in my life and in the life of others so that I could try and make something positive out of what seemed a senseless negative to me. Don't be afraid to talk to people about her as well as talking really helps you deal with the shock and helps you remember the person you loved and not just their death.

I'm so sorry for your loss

im soo sorry hun my thoughts are with you and the two victims families. its horrible when life gets taken away from someone so suddenly. i found out just before xmas that an old school friend of mine had a stroke due to bleeding on the brain, once she had recovered they did tests and have foud a brain tumour, she is only 21! you cant find words to explain it. xxxxx
oh hun im so sorry :hug: there is nothing i can say to make you feel any better but will send hugs :hug: :hug:

here if you wanna chat ok anytime! :hug: :hug:
Well i just found out that my friend had not been drinking and she must of blacked out at the wheel... which does make it a bit more easier knowing that she was not on anything..

but to black out is a bit strange.... i heard that the family are okay and are holding up...

still can't believe that it was her. :wall:

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