some advice please


Well-Known Member
Nov 17, 2009
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i am due my 3rd bubs on the 12 june:) and my youngest son will be 2 years and 9 months.:)

i dont know whether i should buy a double buggy or something or will i just be wasting money

i know i wont use it much in the little village i live cause wee man can walk to shop but for when i hit the town it can be really busy and think i would prefer him strapped in somewhere, thought about one of those (god i have forgot what they are called:wall2:) little things that attach to pram and they can stand on them.

does anyone have any ideas?
a buggy board. If he doesnt nap when you're out I'd say that's a better bet :)
he doeasn t sleep at all from the moment he gets up till he goes to bed.

it prob just me worrying but scared he just climbs off and takes of somewhere but i know i wouldn t let him i wuld prob have him pinned to it:rofl:
I think it would be a lot easier for you just to have the buggy board.. Reins are also an option if you are afraid of the wee one getting away xx
i'd say a buggy board, or you can get whats like a buggy board that you cann sit on now i think incase he gets tired. and like febmum said, you can always have him on reins aswell just as a back up!
I wouldn't bother hun, not unless you want to give the phil and teds a go and can use it as a single/double when you want?

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