

Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2012
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Hi all

When did you start giving your babies solids? And what did you start with
We did baby led weaning so started at 6 months. We gave her what we were eating - obviously nothing with sugar or salt in to begin with.
We started at 6m also (though gave him some baby rice a bit before this). Initially with vegetable purées (then later fruit ones) and after a little while we mixed this with baby led with things like banana and soft wafers (kiddilicious)
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6m as hv said if you start before there's more change of them developing allergies to food. I do a mix but prefer purree my baby has choked and now I'm territoried.
6 months for us too - that's the general recommendation. Younger than that and their digestive system might not be ready and they can (as has been said) develop allergies.
We do baby-led - I bought baby rice and tbh it was a waste of money for us, as she had one portion and we never did it again! First after that was banana - I just gave her a chunk and she went right at it :) She'd been watching us for a while, so she knew exactly what she wanted to do!
It's recommended to do one different taste per day, veggies and fruits first, so you can keep track of what they prefer and what might give them any allergic reaction. We alternated between a veg and a fruit, so after banana, she tried carrot (steamed until very soft), then pear (which is a very low acid fruit, better for any reflux that might happen), then parsnip... etc.
Now she eats whatever we're having for our meals, as we cook everything from scratch so know exactly what's in it. Just no salt, of course, we add salt after if we need any on ours! :)
6 months.

We have done baby led weaning with both our girls and highly recommend it. They have ate 'real' food with us from day one. No separate meals, no purees, no spoon feeding.

This was our first's first day of food:
Breakfast - banana
Lunch - pasta & cheesy passata sauce and boiled broccoli
Dinner - soft cheese sandwich & kiwi

And our second's:
Breakfast - white toast & cashew butter
Lunch - bagel & cream cheese and cucumber
Dinner - Rice omelette, boiled carrots & red pepper and banana
Has anyone tried giving baby the hip organic mashed fruit at 4 months? It says recommended from 4 months onwards and so does baby rice
Unless your HV or GP have recommended otherwise, the NHS advise to start weaning at 6 months. These products say suitable from 4 months because if you have to wean earlier you are restricted in what you can give, whereas from 6 months babies can have nearly anything.
I'm going to break the trend here:
With my first child I weaned at 4 months, she was exclusively express breast fed but was showing all the signs she was ready for food so I tried her with Ella's kitchen fruit purées first week then veg the next week and stuck with that til 6 months when I used various brands of pouches and started cooking my own things using the annabel karmel recipes. She was 100% ready and has always absolutely loved her food.

With my second he has been much more difficult. Breast fed exclusively until 5 months when under pressure from family who seemed to think I was babying him more than I had done his sister I tried purée despite the fact I knew he wasn't showing the signs (he couldn't sit up for a start). Sure enough he pushed everything out and hated purée. At 6 months he wasn't much better but I preserved trying purée but it was a screaming fight every day. At 7 months I decided I'd give baby led weaning type foods and he instantly took to them but still refused purée or mushed food. We carried on with finger foods from that point. He only started allowing me to spoon feed him things at 9 months so he can now at 10 months get a decent porridge breakfast etc.

So basically I would say go with your mother's instinct, I knew I was right about my little girl and I knew I was right about my son but wish I'd trusted myself and held out til 6 months x
Is there a reason you want to start weaning so early, strongminded?
DS1 was at 6 months and we did a mix of BLW and spoon feeding.

DS2 was at 4 months due to reflux and he had "heavy" food of potatoes and veg blended into slop to try and keep it down. It didn't work :wall2: It actually made him dislike food even more and he constantly wanted boob 2 hourly day and night right up to 10 months. He's now 17 months and is only just starting to eat decent meals.

Never again will I wean at 4 months, on NHS advice or not. It's caused us far more problems than it ever solved.

Is there a reason you want to start weaning so early, strongminded?

He has silent reflux and has always not fed very well. He is formula fed and his weight so far is going along nicely on the 50th percentile however for a few weeks now he has gone off his milk..tried changing formula but he didnt take to it. He shows signs of being ready to be weanerd so just wanted to know what everyone else thought. I till i will wait abit more before i start solids.

He is going to be 4 months on the 1st of February and still wakes up every 3hrs at night. I know this is normal for some babies and i dont mind it as long as he is getting the proper nutrition he needs. He tends to drink more at night at a time compared to the day time
Poor laddie. I suppose just seek plenty of advice from hvs and those with experience of a refluxy baby - although as kumber just said, it didn't seem to make much difference for her son :-s
I believe a baby's digestive system is supposed to develop to be much more under control by 6 months, so things should get better!
Sleep wise, my 7 month old usually still wakes twice in the night, and can't go much longer than 4 or 5 hr stretches and she devours loads of food during the day lol - food definitely makes no difference to sleep :)
Poor laddie. I suppose just seek plenty of advice from hvs and those with experience of a refluxy baby - although as kumber just said, it didn't seem to make much difference for her son :-s
I believe a baby's digestive system is supposed to develop to be much more under control by 6 months, so things should get better!
Sleep wise, my 7 month old usually still wakes twice in the night, and can't go much longer than 4 or 5 hr stretches and she devours loads of food during the day lol - food definitely makes no difference to sleep :)

Thanks its good to know i am not alone in this lol

Its just abit confusing when i hear my friends say their babies sleep through the night lol but every baby is different.

Yeh i will wait before starting solids
Tell me about it! People seem to say by 7 months theirs started sleeping through - still waiting here haha!
Things will get better for you, for sure - I mean, my daughter can now fart without an immense struggle and crying, which I thought would never happen! ;-)
Both mine had reflux but my son was much worse with it - I was basically covered in sick all day. It calmed down by about 6 months but he still wasn't interested in food but as I said my little girl was fine doing it early and obviously her reflux wasn't adversely affected.

Also I've got a ten month old who who still feeds four times between 7.30am and 6am so this whole sleeping through the night thing is a total myth for him. My daughter slept through at 3 months though so I've been spoilt! X
My first slept through from 10 months. We thought that was quite early tbh. We have friends with 3 year olds who still wake in the night...
I think felix was 5.5 months, just started with baby rice and mashed banana etc but if I do have another I wouldn't do it this way again I think I would try baby led weaning next time as he's always been really fussy with food and I think that's got a lot to do with the way we weaned him.
I'm sure others have done it this way though and been successful xo
We had to start weening my son at 3 months but due to medical reasons and he was only on bsby rice until 6months the odd mashed fruit

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