

Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2006
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A couple weeks ago I thought Alfie was ready for solids so for a couple of days I gave him some, I tried baby rice and he hated it nd rusks but loved the jars of baby food but i felt really nervous about it not thinking i was doing it right and doing it too soon. Hes 15weeks this saturday and is eating alot of milk hes now on 7 8oz bottles a day and isnt fat at all, hes crying for food all the time but throwing it back i had thought i was over feeding him so tried to cut it down and he juat keeps crying untill i feed him iv tried everything and he is happy after eating but being very sicky. Also he seeps every night from 5.30 till six o clock the last week hes been unsettled waking any time from 4.00am and last night at 3 o clock he is teething and shooving fist in his mouth but I know that that can also be a sign that hes ready for more food, I cant give him more then 7 8 oz bottles surely I just dont want to put him onto solids if he isnt ready! what do you think?
I started Ryan on solids at 14 weeks as he was really hungry but he was then only on 4 8oz bottles a day. If he's on solids, I'd cut down on the milk, even without I think that's a hell of a lot of milk. Maybe trying water at the other times would be worth a try as he's throwing up some milk, he may just be thirsty or dare I say it greedy. This is just what I did with Ryan, I got that powder to add to the water as he didn't like it otherwise and it worked.
he is greedy hun but not to the point hell cry for it he h8s water so i add a tiny bit of diluted baby juice into his water and he drinks that. he isnt on solids any more i stopped after a couple of days because i was worried it was too soon so hes just having milk. i dont know what to do as i am terrified it could be too soon
fingerscrossed said:
he is greedy hun but not to the point hell cry for it he h8s water so i add a tiny bit of diluted baby juice into his water and he drinks that. he isnt on solids any more i stopped after a couple of days because i was worried it was too soon so hes just having milk. i dont know what to do as i am terrified it could be too soon

Well as I said I Ryan was 14 weeks, I just used to give him that packet baby cereal for breakfast and started him that way. That powder they do in Boots for water helped as it filled him up a bit. I don't think 14/15 weeks is too early at all if he's ready.
Think you really have to go with your instincts. 15 weeks is not too soon if you feel he is ready. With dd I started at 5 months but with Alfie I started at 14 weeks as he was food watching, feeding every 2 hours and waking up too often in the night for my liking! Maybe try some bland veg like sweet potato or carrots Alfie really loves apple and pears and if you blend them together the pears make it really watery so its easy to suck off the spoon.
I started feeding Arianna at about 15wks and I've never looked back. I did try her on the formula for hungier babies but i did think it made a difference. I mainly cooked her food my self and blitzed it in the processer. But I also gave her the powder cereals mixed with her milk.

I would try him again, it will always be trial and error!

S. xx
Stanley is on 6/7 8oz bottles too and is a big boy. I'm hanging on weaning as long as possible because although it's an individual mother's choice I do believe the longer you can wait the better. The guidelines are there for a reason. :)

My LO chews his fists all the time and sleeping is occasionally interrupted after a good period sleeping through. I do put this down to teething at the moment, and feel blessed he sleeps most the night anyway! They really are still quite tiny, many babies don't sleep through for months (or years :shock: )

I'm visiting the HV every other week now to get Stanley weighed to give me an extra clue when he needs food. He is still putting on weight steadily so he's OK on milk for the minute.

Good Luck making the right decision for you and your son xx
Thanx everyone Today I decided to give the solids another try, I bought a box of Farleys Heinz powder that is Cauliflower and broccili cheese and he just loves it he wolfed it down and was actually grabbing the spoon to try feed himself and I have the cutest pictures that I will post for everyone to see later I defineately think I was keeping him waiting for it as he loved it.

Im so proud of him but also a tiny bit sad, my little boy is growing so quick. But I have to admit that he is just so much fun now, Although I loved him with all my heart when he was teeny tiny now i can play with him and see him laugh and he loves round and round the garden and this little piggy, melts my heart!
Im just wondering how much I should give him as his tummy is still little and i dont want to give him too much at the minute hes having it once a day but what sort of quantity should he have? Do i give him untill he doesnt want anymore of it? Because yesterday i gave him a few spoons and he wanted more he was leaning forward to try get to the bowl, and he wasnt interested in the milk, just wondered what you other mums did as i dont want to give him too much or not enough!
fingerscrossed said:
i dont want to give him too much or not enough!

When you start weaning the object at first isn't to fill them up, but to get them used to new textures etc. That's why people generally start with baby rice. If you really feel you need to start weaning early, personally I wouldn't give too much, just a spoon or 2 for the first few weeks, as milk it still meant to be their first source of meals until at least 6 months. :)
hes taking it fine he absolutely loves it, its just hard knowing how much to give when to start giving more etc but i think ill be ok, and get the hang of it

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