

Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2009
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Connor is 3 months and i reckon he will be on solids at four months, hes a very hungry baby! hes now being bottle fed but iv got no idea about solids! how do i start to give him them? what kind? when? how many bottles does he still get??

thanks for comments, all this baby stuff just confuzzles me! :lol:
At first, solid feeds are just to suppliment milk feeds, so you don't drop any milk at all! I was advised to give a full milk feed and then sort of top up with soilds! Some people start with baby rice as it's bland and gets then used to the textures Nd stuff and fills them up! I gave it to K cos she was weaned really early and I wasnted to be gentle on her tum! I never bothered with E xos she wasn't ready til a lot later! I just started with some mashed up sweet potato for her! At first theyl only take like a spoonful, but they quickly build it up! If you get in touch with your HV they tend to do weaning talks where they give you tonnes of info!
when you do start make sure you dont give solids when baby is reclined, its a competely different skill to sucking and swallowing from a bottle so they can choke if theyre lying taking solids, even tho they can do it with the milk. Try and get him as upright as possible. A lot of babies are ready for solids depending on how stable they are sitting. Definately speak to your midwife, there are endless leaflets and booklets for advice and ideas. Good luck!
i started madison on a lil spoonfeed of baby rice made with water/her milk after her lunch feed and after a few days gave her 2 spoonfeeds after breakie and lunch... these were after her bottles as they were just a top up ... i then tried her with the baby cereals and once she had them she wudnt take the rice lol and for a while now shes been on 3 hefty spoonfeeds a day altho now theyre before her bottles. :D good luck with the weaning xx
I started Rosie on solids just before she was 6 months, it was only pureed fruit and vegetables and baby rice :) Apparently they develop the skill of rolling the food to the back of the tongue and thats a good sign that they are ready :)
I gave Lacey a yogurt at 3 months and she loved it then started on baby rice at 4 months and by 6 months she was eating toasted soliders!!

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