so upset..but feel selfish!!!


Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2010
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hi girls.. in the space of one hour iv found out 2 of my cousins are pregnant!!!!
one by ivf who i am really happy for but then another one who has 3 kids already...
i am obviously not pregnant and i feel like crap :( :(

its not fair :(
im just been a :brat: and throwing my dummy out the pram i know but its horrible!!!!

my af has played up this cycle too its been lighter than normal and is dragging on a bit just light spotting too... argh im having a naff hour!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Aw, hun. Maybe they were really trying. Does it matter that they have kids already? From you avatar I figured you have a child already? I know its hard that they have 3 but its relative, I have none and resent people getting pregnant who already have one, it doesnt feel like their 'turn' it should be mine, but being on here has shown me that even people with 3 kids can struggle to try again and feel desperate and depressed. Sorry, that might not be very helpful but maybe the change in perspective will be helpful?

Otherwise, I am very sure that you will be pregnant again soon, chin up and keep trying. I'm sure AF is draining you emotionally xxxx
Oh hun! :hugs:

Sorry to hear you're feeling miserable, think we all know where you're coming from though, God knows I've had those feelings myself... :(

Hope AF either buggers off or sorts herself out - what a cow she is! Are you 100% sure it's AF though?? I only ask cos you weren't using OPKs so were unsure of your cycle?? x x
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thanx starfish, we havent had much contact on here but iv followed your threads and you speak so much sence :D

missj im pretty sure it was AF hun it was lighter but my boobs hurt before AF and they dont now so i assume it was af huny

im just been a brat and selfish :( x x
I know this feeling. The first 2 times my sister got pregnant it was "Accidental" And her 3rd child she was only trying for a month. I swear to god its like all she has to do is look at her fiance and she gets pregnant. Frustrates me so much.
I hate 2WW!!!!
Lost of :dust: for you all
And FX!!!!
Aw linx :hug:

It's always hard when someone else gets pregnant to some extent, just sometimes it hurts less and sometimes it hurts more.

Especially when loads of people catch at once.

Having a wobble isn't going to help though ;)
Aww hun,

I think from all your stress and upset the other week and now getting upset over other people getting pregnant isnt going to help your out at all. Try to just relax. Forget about everybody else and concentrate on general day to day life.

Hugs xxxxx
You have been through alot in the past couple of weeks linx, its no wonder you are feeling like this

I bet when AF buggers off you will be in a better place.

:hugs::hugs: aww hunni I know exactly how u feel (found out 'sister' is expecting - not even trying :wall2:) but it will be your turn soon. Try to stay positive - easier said than done I know (I have spent the whole day in bed as couldnt face getting up) AF probably isnt helping how your feeling either so hope it sorts itself out for you soon x Give yourself a little treat to help pick you up a bit :lol:
massive :hugs: hun.. I do feel the same when i find out someone close to me is pregnant, i do be in a mood for a while but then try not think about it and concentrate on the things that matter more (me). Hope your ok hunni xx
just think of it as for every other person that gets pregnant its 1 step closer to coming round to you. thats how i try and see it ( have to admit i still get wound up!) xx
Ah...linx I dont think your selfish or being a brat! You're just sharing your feelings with us!

I've been trying for a year now, and sometimes I just get angry or sad because its never happening to me, and I need to express it to someone.

Like now, my niese, who is 6 years younger than me (20 years) just gave birth to her first child. Im so excited to see her daugther, but at the same time Im scarred to death of the questions that might follow; "So when will you have kids? Why wont you have kids? Its so great!"

After crying a bit in the car on my way home I felt so much better! Im glad that you share your feelings with us so that we can work through this together!

Hope your okay! And if you ever need to chat, or get out some frustration, Im here!

I know exactly how you feel, I have just posted a thread similar to this (new to a forum site so posted and then found yours (sorry!))
Me and my partner have decided to start trying, we have saved, planned, got fit and everything and then his uncle and girlfriend announce they are pregnant the worst thing is they already have a 5 month old, I don't think your are a brat it just really gets you down! the worst part was they wern't even trying! Never mind I'm sure your time will come!!
Good luck for the future! :)
I totally understand how you feel hunny. My partners ex had a baby last year and were all close contact because of the children she has with my partner. Then my friend who hates kids told me she was 4 months gone and my cousin just gave birth to a little boy :(

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