So unhappy :(


Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2010
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Just been to the doctors.

Although he's really nice, I just feel so rubbish.

He wouldn't even talk about inducing, said they won't do it until AFTER 42 weeks. Not had a sweep, he doesn't agree with intervention. Baby isn't even engaged.

I'm so unhappy and so uncomfortable and tired.

So, have to wait till a week tomorrow to see the :shock: midwife (that's actually what she looks like) and have her tell me I'm stupid for being upset.

Sorry :(
I don't understand, it's not Dr who sorts it, it's your midwife! Why are you not seeing midwife for another week?
Can you not telephone the on-call midwife team on your maternity notes, ask there advice?
I saw last saw the midwife 3 weeks ago, and she booked me in for an appointment for when I was 41 weeks. I had a GP appointment and told him I didn't like the midwife, so he said i could see him again the next week (ie today). I don't like my midwife at all, let alone trust her, so all in all have no idea what to do!

I know what he's saying is right, that me and baby are fine at the moment, I just so want things to get going. If I phone the midwife people they'll just tell me I'm being silly.
Oh hun that's not good. Have a nice relaxing evening (if that's at all possible), and hope things get moving before you have to see the midwife next week.

That's not really fair that you are just left to it because he doesnt believe in doing anything. I know what he means but surely it's up to you.
At my doctors you can just turn up to see a midwife and we have about 3, do you only have 1 there?
Personally I would phone the midwife team because it's actually dangerous to go over 42 weeks as the placenta stops working properly,I would be very unhappy waiting until after that time!

Sorry I don't mean to scare you anything
Personally I would phone the midwife team because it's actually dangerous to go over 42 weeks as the placenta stops working properly,I would be very unhappy waiting until after that time!

Sorry I don't mean to scare you anything

here here! I totally agree, that's another reason I was confused. I don't think they are legally allowed to leave you beyond 12 days overdue...
when i saw the midwife today she told me they can go 14 days over, but no more. i can see why you are so upset its not fair for you, he should have at least organised a date for induction xx
I agree with the others hun - is there no way you can speak to a different mw? Or a different doctor if he has particular views! x
Personally I would phone the midwife team because it's actually dangerous to go over 42 weeks as the placenta stops working properly,I would be very unhappy waiting until after that time!

Sorry I don't mean to scare you anything

That's why I'm so cross!

Unfortunately there's only 1 midwife at my doctors who's only there 1 afternoon a week, and I don't like her! (Although the doctor said yesterday there was a different one last week and this, cos of what I said last week :oooo:, but she was increadibly rubbish!).

I might ring up the day care assessment unit and see what they say about at least making an appointment for inducement.

Thanks girls, it's good to know I'm not just being oversensitive :)
What about ringing a MW at your hospital and bypassing the doc?

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