So tired, please help... any suggestions?


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2007
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Tom still isnt sleeping though. Maybe I am expecting too much but he still has feeds at 7pm (bedtime), 12pm, 2-3am, 5-6am, then up at 7-8am and wants a feed not long after.

Thinking back with Abbie I woke her for feeds during the day and made sure she kept awake alot. (she slept through at 2 months)

Tom will sleep alot through the day and feeds 11am, 3pm, 7pm. Today he has napped for about an hour this morning on and off and then from 12 noon and is still asleep at 2.30pm.

Any suggestions?
sounds a bit like he has his night and day mixed up as you are feeding him more in the night than in the day. i have no experience of this,, iwas always under the impression that you feed babies when they are hungry but if this is making you so tired maybe someone can give you advice on how to bring them round to a better routine in the day - good luck i do sympathise, i remember those days all too well. :hug:
Hey chick, he has his 24 hour clock the wrong way round!! Amber was like this for a week or two and i understand its so tiring...

I dont really know what i did which turned her around apart from i started giving her a bath about 6pm in the evenin which helps because she loves it and it tires her out because she kicks like a goodun.

You need to be strict during the day and wake him up for feeds or keep him occupied, we got amber some dangly toys and found that she loves watching any programmes with the sea or water in it which keeps her amused.

Persevere hun you will get there x
also- perhaps don't put him down so early in the evening. He's still quite little so maybe it's too much to ecpect him to sleep from early evening through the night.

Maybe he'd be capable of something more like a 5-6 hour sleep, so maybe try putting him down for the night later in the evening and he might sleep through till early morning. That's what my LO does.
If only we could TELL LO's what to do :lol:
Like you said he is still little, I think putting him to bed a bit later is a good idea, and as he settles down, make that time earlier, and earlier.
You're doing great, very best wishes :hug: :hug: :hug:

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