so so upset


Well-Known Member
May 15, 2007
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i went to the HV today for the first time in about 3 months to get rhys weighed (i havent been coz i work during the day but this week im off)

rhys hasnt put on much weight at all... only about 1 1/2lbs in 3 months. he eats 3 meals a day plus bottles during day and night. so anyway his weight is now critical apparently, the HV then went on to accuse me of not feeding him! basically she called me a shit mum and told me to come back in two weeks and if theres no improvement she will refer him to the hospital.

now rhys looks fine and healthy to me, always happy and laughing. yes he is skinny but he is very very long for his age (he fits perfect in 6-9months and we'll have to change to 9-12months soon)

i just dont know what to do, i feed him whenever he is hungry and when hes full he just wont eat! the HV has made me feel like im not doing the best by Rhys but i just dont know what else i can do? surely if hes not hungry then he doesnt need feeding? i cant force him to eat!

has anybody else ever had a child that wont put on weight? what do i do? what will he be refered the hospital for?

im such a shit mum
she probably had a cob on cos you havent been to clinic, these hv can be a bit precious :roll: drives you mad.
if hes eating well/ healthily and taking his milk ok then your doing all you can. go back in a couple of weeks see what his weight is doing, see if he needs to be refferred. it might be cos hes extra long? it might be his diet need adjusting? who knows?
i never had this problem with my beefcake but my neice little boy dropped right down to the second centile, hes just a waif thats all he eats, hes happy and hes hitting his milestones.
Jesus health visitors (some) do my head in :wall:

i havent been to clinic with Louie for 3 months :shock: because every time i go they've got little picky comments to make, Louie is my 3rd & hes a perfect little boy, so sod off!!

i'm so sorry she upset you, some babies are just petite & he might just be built this way, Georgia was always quite small & slight, don't worry hun & DONT EVER think you are not a good mum, you are great. :hug: :hug:
What a cow to say that to you. You're Rhys's mum and you know best at the end of the day if he's happy then I am sure he's fine :hug:
How old is Rhys? Ellie is now 10 months and she put on 14oz in 6weeks the last time she was weighed and the HV was happy with that. It sounds like very similar to Rhys's weight gain.

Where is he on the chart? Is he dropping with respect to the line he was following or still following the same line?
hes gone from the 25th centile to the 2nd centile in 3 months
:hug: :hug:

Your his mom you know best

if you think he is fine then don't worry.
Some babies just don't have big appetites! I think the same as above, she probally annoyed cos you haven't been for a while. I've always struggled with Aimee weight gain, some weeks she would only gain 1oz and then she would loose 2ozs the next week. She has always been like that and I have just got used to it now and stopped worrying. Aimee only weighs 21lb at 18 months and wears the same clothes as her 4 month old brother.
this is y i stopped taking hannah because i felt like cr#p every time i came out so i havent been for nearly a year, hannah is fine, she has been a picky eater from day one but she eats when and what she want so i think sod u now and dont go
i really dont want to go again... i honestly walked out of there crying today i felt so bad about myself...
At about 5 months, Ellie dropped from 50th percentile (which she has been following since birth) to about 35th percentile. She has since picked back up to the 50th percentile line. Also are you breastfeeding or bottle feeding? Tasha found a new set of weight charts which are based on breastfeeding not bottle feeding. I have found some stuff which says that breast fed babies don't gain as much weight once they reach the 5 month mark.
aww hun.. you are not a s**t mum. just one look at rhys and you can see what a fantastic job you are doing!

if i was in that situation i would ask to swap HV's, or i wouldn't be able to listen to her or take her advise.

:hug: :hug:
Oh darlin :hug: You ARE NOT a s**t mum, you are a fab mummy! Dont you EVER let a HV make you feel like that!! You know your little boy, he is happy and healthy. And if you werent a good mum, then you wouldnt be voicing your concern on here, you would just think "oh what the hell".

My sister friend has a little girl, she is 15 months old and is still in 9-12 months clothes, she is so tiny, like a little doll. she was never intrested in her bottle, and is now weaned, not really intrested in food either! She is happy, healthy and beautiful-it was always a battle to feed her, as she just didnt want to know.She is toddling about but I am sure once she starts running around everywhere, her appetite will increase and she may eat more.....

My HV voiced concern for Ruby at my 6 week check, as Ruby was only turning her head one way when she was lying down..she wanted to refer her for physiothearpy (sp?). I mentioned it to the doctor afterwards at my check up, she used her stethoscope to hold Rubys gaze, and when she turned her head from let to right, doctor tutted and said HV was talking nonsense, said Ruby was perfect and the HV shouldnt of worried me. I havent seen HV since, if I am concerned about anything, I speak to doctor.

Big hugs sweet pea, you are a great mummy. You know your little boy and as long as you two are happy, thats all that matters xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx :hug: :hug:
Don't be upset hun. My LO doesn't put loads of weight on when i take him for his weigh in every 4 weeks. Every baby is different and some just don't have massive appetites.
I used to get really stressed about Elliott refusing food, annd worry what the health visitor would say if he hadn't put much weight on. But as long as he isn't losing weight and he is happy then i say don't worry.
Like my mum says you would soon know if he was hungry or discontented cos he would be making a fuss.
Big hugs xxx
just seen this poor you hun its disgusting the way they talk to you ours was a bit nasty like that once when she left i cried and didnt want to see her again and was coninced that i was making my baby ill. at the end of the day you are his mum and i bet you are doing a brilliant job :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

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