so so tired - symptom


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2008
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hubby put me to bed about 7.30pm last night as I couldn't stay awake and I'm still tired tonight! i've had a headache for a few days cause it actually hurts to have my eyes open too long!!

is this a symptom of pregnancy? if not i'm coming down with something :( at least my cramps have finished for now - but I have salsa dancing tonight which means a latish night and also exercise! :puke: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
Oh my God, I'm sorry. I thought you were gonna say 26 or something. Hope it is symptoms anyway :pray:
i sure hope it is a symptom, i know alot of people get very tired :hug:
it's just so strange - i'm never this tired, and then there's the cm, not to mention the the lack of af!
sneaking in here........when i was preg (before i actually tested) i had quite bad leg cramps and was KNACKERED, like falling asleep at work :bored:

hope its a good sign for ya hun! :hug:
thanks - i don't have time to fall asleep at work (I'm a teacher) but the moment i get home i just want to close my eyes and sleep! been geting worse for a week leading up to yesterday. today I'm not too bad but still have tiredness headache and my eyes hurt to be open again.

actually the cramps are back again!! (then again they started mid december!)

not too hopeful as pretty sure if i was going to get bfp i'd have it by now!
keep positive Rose, you thought you would have af but its not here :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray:
that's true. anyway - tomorrow's my blood tests! any idea how long it takes to get the results?
it varies, where are you having it done? if its at the hospital they can put it in a pile and get cracking with it straight away now in reality they can get them done quickly but they will have to contact gp who then needs time to contact you so i would imagine it would be next day unless your gp is on the ball

hope they dont take too long the wait will be a nightmare, just try and keep yourself busy :hug:
at the doctor's surgery and 11.50. the van takes the blood at 12 midday.
sorry Rose i just realsied your having the profile done, i thought it was a hcg. sure it shouldnt take too long tho, its not like its an infection or anything

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