so sick of this now!


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2008
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whaen will I get pregnant??!!

I know you're ll in the same boat but it's just so dpressing and I hate that t's taking this long! why couldn't I be one of the lucky ones who gets pregnant straight away!

sorry for the selfish rant - don't need replies but I don't want to tell hubby how I feel and needed to get it off my chest.
thanks - just getting to the sad part of shakespeare in love which probably explains my mood!
I think most of us TCCers totally get where you're coming from, so.....
:hug: :hug: :hug: Big hugs for you xx :hug: :hug: :hug:
i know. that's why i posted this here. I know you all feel the same!
we certaintly do!!! :hug: for everyone but especially you roseanimal!!!
thanks puds. feeling very sorry for myself today - diets always do this to me :lol:
:hug: i'm having one of those days too. not even too sure why! had a faint line on opk yesterday so thought it may have been darker today- but it was dead as a dodo!!! even spent £16 on clearblue ov sticks just in case- what a waste :doh: starting to feel like it may be 1 of those months!!! trying to snap out of it!!! it helps having others to share these things with!
it does indeed. you sound like you need some :hug: :hug: :hug: s too. lots of luck oving and I hope you catch the eggie!
Dont know how long you have been ttc but i was ttc 14 months with a chemical pregncny and finding out i had pco, but it will happen, it just takes time :hug:
I know how you feel, TTC gets to everyone after a while but you will get your BFP (we all will)

Sending you loads of :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
:hug: Awwwww, i hope you feel better soon :hug:

I feel very negative too, i keep worrying about things i really want a BFP! x
Oi Rose, I put you up for an award coz despite your cycles being shitty to you, you never seem to moan :lol: BUT, I dont blame you babe, we all feel like it every now and then, like me new years eve :roll: so blimming huge :hug:s to you and hope you feel better soon xxxx
aw thanks!! I take back the moaning then!!
hubby's awake now and I'm feeling much happier! also, I LOVE shakespeare in love (the reading of the lines makes me all mushy) and now I'm watching jack dee so please, no more sympathy! I'm very happy again! :D
PMSL, didn't take long then did it :D Why do hubbys have that effect, considering mine does my head in most of the time, when he's not here I'm miserable too, strange that!
he was sleeptalking. i find it very funny so made me happier. now he's awake and being dopey! :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

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