So scary:( Update


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2006
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Keeley woke up at 3 am this morning screaming so i took her temp and it was 39.7 :shock:

So i tried to cool her down but nothin worked so i took her to a&e where they said she has a viral infection ear infection and chest infection. they gave her some medicine and sent us home all day her temp has been 39.0 but now its started to go down she's now in bed with her temp being 38.0

It was so scary my normally happy little girl was so ill and was so sleepy too :cry:

But she has perked up in the last few hours i hope she's feelin better in the morning
omg poor little girlie hope shes better in morning keep us posted xx :hug: :hug:
It must have been so worrying, hope she gets better soon.
Oh no, poor Keeley and poor you, you must have been so scared.

I am glad she is feeling better and I hope she is over it very very soon :hug:

There does seem to be a lot going round at the moment.

Take care :hug:
We had a bad night again so she has a doctors at 11.50 so hopefully they wil be able to help her
Awww, I hope she's feeling better soon...its awful when they're not well isn't it?
I hate this time of year, so many viruses/colds etc going about :cry:
Took her to the doctors and he gave her some anti-botatics(sp) for her ear infection and he said she has a viral and bacterial infection :(

I hope the anti-botatics start to work soon
Her temp is now 38.4 :(
Poor Keeley.
It is such a worry when they get temperatures.
When Tom's went over 39 I was totally panicking.
It's hard not to keep checking every 5 minutes.
Don't forget temperatures go up at night.
Really hope she is better soon.
I think antibiotics take 24 hours to start working so this time tomorrow she should be on the mend.
Get well Keeley!
Lucyx :hug:
nic im really really sorry i missed this, i hope keeleys getting better now
that must hav been so so scarey for u :( :hug: :hug: :hug:

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