So scared


Well-Known Member
Dec 15, 2009
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I have scan on thurs morning and i don't hold much hope! I have had this day so many times and only to be let down! My doc didn't really say much today just that my tummy was soft an she said that on the phone to epa?!? Is that bad?! Sickness has stopped I must of ate something bad?! And gave myself dodgy tummy?! Anyone else got soft tummy?! And no sickness yet healthy pregnancy?!? Help!!!!! X
I have a soft tummy too and no sickness. Although I'm also nervous and worried something could be wrong, I'm sure it is perfectly normal. Everyone is different. The best thing you can do is try and relax because you getting stressed will only affect your baby adversely! So try and take a few deep breaths and tell yourself that everything will be just fine. I'm sure it will!
Jodie x
Oh bless you Smess (((((HUGS)))))
My tummy is squidgy and fat and soft and my sickness comes and goes too. I would be a hypocrite to tell you not to worry cos thats all I do, but I hope you feel a little better to know that your not alone.
WIll say a prayer for you on Thursday xxxxxx
Thank you girls does sickness come and go?!? I nearly was sick this morning?! Yet pass few days haven't even chucked but felt sick! Xx x
My sickness comes and goes yes, I havent actually been sick, just felt really sick, some days I feel nothing and panic then it comes back again x
Thank you Hun!!! I can't wait for tomorrow I really can't!!! X
Everything is going to be fine sweetie x x x x x
fingers crossed the scan goes will hunny. i only really had the feeling to be sick but only actually throw up 4 times. good luck xxx

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