So Sad


Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2012
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Well, it has just hit me like a freight train that as of Monday I would have been 37 weeks and due any time.

I thought I was doing so well and not dwelling on it, trying to concentrate on getting my tests done to find out why I mc and then I go and look on the calendar!!

I haven't cried for my peanut for months and now I can't stop!! It really hurts too that one of the girls at work has just finished work as she is due in November (she was 5 weeks behind me)!!

I really thought I was doing so well :-(
You ARE doing well hun. The fact that you have been so strong is testament to that.
There are always going to be times when it all comes back to you and you feel sad again, you have suffered a loss and that will never go away. The important thing is to let yourself grieve when you need to, don't try and bottle things up.
Things do get easier, but around this time there are so many things reminding you of 'what could have been' that it probably feels like a lifetime away. I found that after my due date had passed I was finally bale to leave some of the sadness and 'what ifs' behind me, hopefully you'll find that once you have got through the next few weeks things will get easier for you too.
I know exactly how you feel! So sorry for your loss! My baby (from 1st miscarriage) was due on August 19 and it was just really upsetting to get through the month - all i kept thinking that I should have been planning my maternity leave and getting things rest for the baby etc.... My sister in law was due in June who had a baby girl, even though I love my neice but can't help getting upset!! :(xxxx
I think you will always have those days, not everyone will understand what you lost, but you know and sometimes you just need to be sad about it, bottling up won't help. Take the time you need and it will get easier.
Oh honey you are doing well :hugs:

My consultant warned me there would be ups and downs for a long time and he was so right.

My EDD has just past in August and I was a mess leading up to it, but really do feel better now that it has passed.

Allow yourself these low times honey, you are grieving and it's perfectly natural :hugs:

My EDD was the other day. I completely forgot about it but my mood said other wise. Every little thing set me off. I found it funny how I had thought I had moved on mainly because of my new "low risk" pregnancy but deep in my mind it still affects me very much. The early part of this pregnancy my nights were filled with nightmares of bleeding again and I would lie awake for hours. As soon as the sun was up I'd get on with all the stuff I had to do. The day at 9 weeks I had some pink blood I freaked out. It didn't help having my doc yelling down the phone trying to get me a scan that day. I had it and all was well. I hate how out of control you feel.

I really hope you have a better day tomorrow.

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