so really dont know what to do...bit long sorry :@(


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2006
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ok sorry if this is a bit long
when i was very young my bro crushed my finger in the bathroom door and really crusehed middle joint so i have had three operations on it as a child.

durign the last operation at 12yrs old they took out the pins that were put in when i was three :shock: however the bone healed incorrectly its healed with a great bend in the bone and the ligment on the left is far too tight and on the right its far to loose. so i was told at 16 id need surgery to break/re-set the bone before i was 21

have been on the waiting list ever since i was 16 i finaly got a call when i was 20 to say that as i had been on the list more than 2 years they were gonna pay for me to have the op in BUPA in cheater so i agreed and had a pre op that week. only a few days before the op i had to cancle it as i found i was prgnt :wall: :wall:

so i was refered back to NHS (shame) and in january after recovering from the birth i was called for a pre-op but doc decided on doing a CT scan of the bone angle first that was jan and ad the scan yeaterday :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: (said they have been very busy) :shock: :shock:

anyway my pre-op is next week and i have to decide to go ahead with surgery thing is im confused if i have it done i have loads of risks like loss of movement in finger, overtightening of ligaments if that happens ill have to have another op and the one scaring me the most - risk of infection because after christopher was born i was rushed back in a week later with sever heamoriging - blood was pouring out - it was an infection id caught :shock:
bu if i dont have the op it may mean that in a few years the bone could split under stress or the ligament may snap

what should i do im so scared of surgey and infation but im so confused and need to decide by thursday next week :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall:
It sounds to me as though you do need to have the surgery otherwise things might get worse. Is there someone you can talk to with whom you can go through your fears and concerns such that they're dealt with before they operate?

I would also make sure that you have a friend with you in the hospital before, during and after your surgery in order to reassure you. It'll be worth it to make sure you're better, honestly.

Be thinking of you, hun. :hug: :hug:
Personally I'd have it done. I know you are worried about the chance of infection, but just cos you have had one, doesn't mean you will again. If they are saying you will have problems in the long run anyway, you will probably need an op sooner or later anyway, I would rather hav one by choice than necessity, cos at least then you can make arrangements for LO etc.

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