So proud of OH


Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2011
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So much for a certain someone saying to me the other day in the midst of an argument, "At least my boyfriend has a job".

My OH is working today! :dance:
He's got a part-time job in a pub thanks to word of mouth.
His friends mum is one of the managers there so put in a good word for him :)
He went at 12pm and will be working there til 6pm! I'm so glad, he was very keen too but I know how important it is to him to provide for his growing family.

We're also now putting money aside for the baby!
Just thought I'd share my good news.
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That's great news, as for whoever coming out with that comment where is she?? In the playground by any chance. Doesn't she know we are in a recession where 1000s of people are unemployed through no fault of their own!!!
Hope you're going to let her know lol x
Haha thanks hun :) She's a silly 18 year old.
Her boyfriend stole their 9 month old and wouldn't return her when they split up!
My OH wouldn't dare do that to his daughter/son.

They're a bit of a mental couple to be honest.
Then again she did only stay with him because he was the 'fortunate' one to get her pregnant.
She used to go out with my OH and he never had sex with her because she only wanted a baby.

That was 3 years ago.
I certainly will be letting her know don't you worry. I might even just unblock her on Facebook so she can gladly look on my status about it ;) xxx
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Awk that's brilliant! Well done OH :)

What a knob to make that comment about your OH not having a job. My OH went from earning £30k a year to being on JSA this year cos he was made redundant! Obviously that person doesn't have a clue how hard things are for people. My OH is taking on any contract work he can get cos he genuinely can't get anything else and he got a contract this week, but its only for a week. But he'll take what he can get bless him.

That's fab that your OH is enthusiastic too. Again, well done! x
Thanks hun, he's working as we speak!
He's doing evening shifts from now on, £5.90 an hour.
Will be home about 9/10pm.

I know a lot of people that have been made redundant, work isn't what it was these days.
I've been looking for jobs none stop myself and they're all job where you need major qualifications e.g. admin, teacher, nurse etc. It's mad! xxx
Glad your OH has managed to find a job, theres hardly any jobs about Atm xx
Thanks hun and yeah it's really sad isn't it :/
Mother in law picked me up from my house around 10ish and then we saw OH walking home from work so picked him up :D He had a brilliant night and said it was easy. He's got the day off tomorrow and will be working tomorrow night but they said they will call him whenever he might be needed which is a bonus!

He's excited to buy some things for the baby now with his well earned cash :) xxx
That's great! I bet it makes hims feel fab being able to buy things for his LO. How sweet. Hope he's still enjoying it. x
:D He's put all his wages away for the baby already.
I walked him home from work last night and he said, "I get my next wages on Monday, we're gonna go baby shopping after the sexing scan" :D I'm even more excited now! I should have some money myself then as well so will be able to buy some things with my money too. He's got the day off today and is enjoying his job! xxx

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