So nervous!


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2015
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Hey everyone

So I'm pregnant again after two missed miscarriages (found out at my 12 week scan) I had no bleeding and on the first one the baby passed at 10 weeks 4 and on the second 9 weeks 4.

I am now 9 weeks 3 and am so so nervous!

I have had two scans already, on the first one baby was measuring a few days behim based on period dates but by the second scan it had grown loads!

I'm taking baby asprin this time around so really hoping it's helping! I'm going to book a scan when I am 11 weeks as my scan at NHS isn't until I'm around 13 weeks!

Really hoping its third time lucky for me xxx
I've got everything crossed for you hun.

Pregnancy after miscarriage is terrifying!

Thanks Hun! Same to you to!

I know it is! If all goes ok I don't want to buy anything until he/she is here!!

We were both pregnant at the same time before! Xxx
Oh yeah, we were!

I'm kind of in denial about the whole thing at the moment.

I didn't expect it to happen so quickly after our break. Plus, I'm not at all excited, I'm just expecting another miscarriage!

Aww I know how you feel! Try and stay positive and keep telling yourself it will all be ok! People have cured there cancer with positivity ! X xx
Good luck Tina, sounds like all is going well so far.

Emily I hope this is the sticky one for you.

I'm also terrified, finally got my bfp but after 4 years and 3 mcs I'm not that hopeful yet. My consultant also has me taking low dose asprin.
Thanks Snowbee and you! So pleased for you!

When I went for my first scan she said that the heartbeat was really strong and yolk sac was really heathly so hopefully that's a good sign! On th second scan at NHS I asked if the heartbeat was ok and she said at this point the dont rally track j heartbeat just as long as one is there they are happy?!

We shall see! Xxx
I'm keeping everything crossed for all of you, I can't imagine how nervous you are. Another scan sounds like a good idea for your own peace of mind

Everythings crossed that this pregnancy goes well for you xx
Thanks mummybee and kumber really appreciate it xxx
Good luck hun I've got everything crossed for you. It's such a worry I wish we could see into pit bellies ourselves!
Good luck! I really hope this will be good news for you!
Thanks Eryinera and Secret really appreciate it! Who knew having a baby would be so hard!!' Xxxx
Im so excited for u hun! You know I have everything crossed xxxxx
Hello stranger!

Not heard from you (on here) for a long time!


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