So much pressure to have a boy this time round!


Well-Known Member
Aug 5, 2008
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Well I had my first midwife appointment this morning and practically the first thing she said to me was "Well maybe you'll get a boy this time." Aaaaaarrrrgggghhhh!

We have 3 beautiful girls and while of course we'd love a boy, I would honestly be just as happy to have another girl. For starters it'd be cheaper anyway, plus I know about girls - a boy would be like a foreign creature!

So I'm getting very cross that so far nearly every person we have told about our new baby has assumed that we want a boy. Does that mean that people will be disappointed if we have another girl? Why can't people think?!

Anyway, that's my rant, just wondered if anyone else has felt the pressure to have a baby of the opposite sex to the one they've got already? Or just if you're having your first and feeling the pressure too? Like we can do anything about it!
yeah, we got that a bit. Jack's our only one, but of all the grandkids (4 now) there's not a single girl. My MIL has said that she wont 'shuffle off her mortal coil until I have a grandaughter' (maybe that's why her kids keep breeding! :twisted: )

Personally I'm chuffed to bits with our son. We'd like 4 kids of our own, and if they are all boys, then they are. End of.

Good for you for not minding when sex baby you have! :clap:
:hug: aww good luck- are you going to find out at your 20 week scan? x
I felt abit the same I don't have any other children but my Mum wanted me to have a girl as she already has a grandson, my MIL wanted a girl when she had DH and he's her only child so she was really hoping for a girl (although I know she would have been happy either way) and DH has always only wanted a girl if he had kids (which he didn't really want at all) we are having a girl so everyone is happy, but it really worried me how especially DH would have reacted if it was a boy when he so badly wanted a girl and it took him quite awhile to come round to fact we were having a baby anyway it made me very sad to think of anyone being disapointed about the sex of our baby especially the babies own Dad!!!
Whichever sex you have I hope people are more considerate about your feelings and the fact baby is going to be loved and cherished by you and should be by them regardless of sex!!! :hug: :hug:
Jade&Evie said:
:hug: aww good luck- are you going to find out at your 20 week scan? x

We will find out I think.

Didn't with the first 2 but did with the youngest. Must admit to a twinge of disappointment when I heard number 3 was a girl so glad I had time to get over that before she arrived and now wouldn't change her for the world of course. Genuinely don't mind about this one tho, have got used to saying 'my girls'!

It will certainly help with the planning if we know in advance what this one is, plus it'll give everyone else around us the chance to get used to it - don't want ANYONE saying "oh well, never mind" or I may kill them! (Not joking - I'm very hormonal!)
When I was pregnant I found out I was having another boy at my 20 week scan which I was really pleased about but when I told my family my dad said 'Shame it's not a girl' :evil: :evil: I've had a couple more comments aswell about it would have been nice if he was a girl (Yeah it would but it's just as nice I've got another happy, healthy boy :roll:) My Nan on my dads side even said 'Oh, I was going to give you £100 if you had a girl' WTF :shock: He is healthy, isn't that all that matters? :roll: :roll:

Sorry, bit of a rant there :lol:
I love having "my girls"... taking "my girls" to the park... etc... But people keep saying we'll have to try for a boy next time... why not try for a healthy lil baby... :roll: :roll:
Squiglet said:
I love having "my girls"... taking "my girls" to the park... etc... But people keep saying we'll have to try for a boy next time... why not try for a healthy lil baby... :roll: :roll:

yeah - feel the same.
When emily 'didnt' came out a boy - there was a sense of disapointment in my family!! and i even had comments such as 'awww if shed have been a boy your family would have been complete' :doh: :twisted: and the 'ohh maybe next time eh?' when i say i have two girls (even had that today at the hospital when i was getting my coil fitted!)

edit - for mistake lol
Rachel said:
My Nan on my dads side even said 'Oh, I was going to give you £100 if you had a girl' WTF

That is very bizarre! Did you get a reward for having a boy? Was it only £50 cos you were naughty and didn't have a girl?!!! :rotfl:
:hug: :hug: MummyJess :hug: :hug:
I find it annoying people saying we can stop now as we have one of each :shock: :think: I don't think people think before they speak sometimes :roll:
Redshoes said:
:hug: :hug: MummyJess :hug: :hug:
I find it annoying people saying we can stop now as we have one of each :shock: :think: I don't think people think before they speak sometimes :roll:
Don't stop - have lots of babies just to annoy them! :dance: It's fun! I'm in an odd mood as you might guess! Wonderful hormones! But you have done it very textbook haven't you? :clap: Well done for being so obliging! :rotfl:
Well we have 2 girls already & it's looking like this one is a girl too, & I have been surprised at peoples reactions. I know Hubby was a bit disappointed, but I was expecting that as he is totally outnumbered by females in our house, with me, the girls, 2 female dogs, the cat is male but he had his b***s chopped so he's pratically a she!! But it hasnt changed how he feels about the baby. However other peoples reactions can be unbelievable!! Esp. family!!
LisaPink said:
Well we have 2 girls already & it's looking like this one is a girl too, & I have been surprised at peoples reactions. I know Hubby was a bit disappointed,
However other peoples reactions can be unbelievable!! Esp. family!!
I totally understand. I feel bad to admit it but I was disappointed when we found out that number 3 was a girl but now I love having 3 girls soooo much.

I totally came to terms with it by the time she was born so am really glad I found out cos I'd have hated that feeling for the first few days of her life. So I'm glad your hubby has that chance too cos he really will not care by the time she is born.

I love having 3 girls so much which is why I just get so angry that people assume I want a boy this time. Like there is something wrong with just having girls. I think it makes my life so much easier - handing down clothes, sharing dvds and toys, sharing a room etc etc. Must admit it's gonna be a bit scary when they're all teenagers tho!!

Good luck with your lovely pink family and I'd be tempted to tell peopple exactly where to go when they make comments, then blame it on your hormones!!
i wont get into it coz otherwise ill start ranting and ive done that enough about this :lol:. But i got very annoying reactions when i found out i was having another boy so i know how you feel :hug:. i will just say tho especially as we've said we only one 2 children now that those 2 are both boys its seems like its not allowed and everyone seems to think we've got to have another one... erm why? :roll:
MummyJess said:
LisaPink said:
Well we have 2 girls already & it's looking like this one is a girl too, & I have been surprised at peoples reactions. I know Hubby was a bit disappointed,
However other peoples reactions can be unbelievable!! Esp. family!!
I totally understand. I feel bad to admit it but I was disappointed when we found out that number 3 was a girl but now I love having 3 girls soooo much.

I totally came to terms with it by the time she was born so am really glad I found out cos I'd have hated that feeling for the first few days of her life. So I'm glad your hubby has that chance too cos he really will not care by the time she is born.

I love having 3 girls so much which is why I just get so angry that people assume I want a boy this time. Like there is something wrong with just having girls. I think it makes my life so much easier - handing down clothes, sharing dvds and toys, sharing a room etc etc. Must admit it's gonna be a bit scary when they're all teenagers tho!!

Good luck with your lovely pink family and I'd be tempted to tell peopple exactly where to go when they make comments, then blame it on your hormones!!

I completely agree with it being a bit easier having the same sex, plus I wouldnt know where to start with a boy! I am glad we found out early so we can get our heads around it before she gets here.

As for them being teenagers all together, well.........Im dreading it!!! Good luck to us both!! LOL!!
I felt under pressure by some people as everyone has boys. Angel is the 1st granddaughter. Yet OH is dying for a boy!

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