so hard not to get excited!!


Well-Known Member
Oct 31, 2012
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so I woke up at 3:30 this morning with awful back and hip ache didn't read anything into it all day my back has been really painful and been getting irregular period pains. this evening I have had 2 very loose bowel movements (sorry tmi!!) and still getting irregular pains. It's soo hard not to think this might be the start of things even though I am sure its not!!!! Oh well will get back on my ball and get bouncing.

Sorry pointless thread really xx
hope its the start of things for you.
I'm bouncing on my ball too, desperate to get things started! Xx
Sounds like it could be, must be so hard not to think "this is it" I really hope it is the start for you x
im 99.9% sure its not the start of anything but that 0.01% is really shouting come on contractions come and get me :D xx
im 99.9% sure its not the start of anything but that 0.01% is really shouting come on contractions come and get me :D xx

I feel like this at every twinge. Had period style cramps today and I'm like...yes... Then dodgey tum I'm like strike two.... But then that's it. No baby :( lol I too really want this baby here x
Hope it is the start of something! I'm already starting to wonder every time my back hurts or a I get cramp. I'm going to drive myself mad. Still got 3 weeks till due date!
Could defo be the start huni, even if you're a few days away, it's all good signs ur getting! Xxx
hiya im the same...this evening had 2 go to bathroom twice and ive been quite constipated for the last few weeks but felt like my body was like clearing out gosh tmi!! but also getting lots of irregular tightenings n cramps n backache.....if anything our bodies are getting ready....i was just reading a book there and it says labour is a process not an event...kinda puts it into perspective xxx
I know what you mean. I had two loose bowel movements yesterday and in the evening I had really bad lower backache. My boobs seem to be growing now too for the first time in this whole pregnancy, keep getting excited that it is the start of something but nothing has happened yet!
well nothing seems to be happening ladies, I had another soft poo at about 3am and then again at about 9am sorry if tmi!! but no pains boo!! oh well suppose baby will come when its good and ready xx

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