So flipping HUNGRYYYYYYYY!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2009
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Okay this is really getting annoying now. So far today I've had a massive bowl of Oatibix bites with raisins, a yoghurt, a carrot and just now a bowl of leftover spaghetti with tomatoes and smoked sausage (I point out that it's not even really lunchtime yet!). Plus I've drunk loads of water. And I still feel like I haven't eaten for a week! It's ridiculous, it's taking all my willpower not to stuff my face with carbs and end up the size of a house. GRRRR! TMI coming up - it was in a strange way a nice relief yesterday when I wasn't that hungry (by which I mean normal appetite!) due to extreme constipation - all the fruit I forced down yesterday did the trick though so back to starvin' marvin. Does it ever stop ladies?
nope!! I dread to see how much weight I have gained since before pregnancy.
My appetite is pretty huge now too, I really have to stop munching on chocolate :hug:
Even when I'm eating I'm thinking about what I can have next :lol:

I don't seem to really have put on much weight though... which makes me wonder where it's all going... I'm probably going to end up with a gargantuan baby aren't I? :shock:
LMAO Becc I worry about that too! Seriously though, I haven't put on much weight either, miraculously I think pregnancy may have restored my rubbish metabolism to something vaguely normal, but I'm worried if I get used to eating whatever I want I'll pile it on later in the tri or in tri 3. Now, it's strange, cos I've always been a big girl, but somehow I'd really rather not end up still bigger after the baby comes.
Well I've always been scrawny and still am now despite eating about twice my weight in crisps, cake and all other sorts of rubbish every day! Mind you, I lost a lot of weight when I was really ill and never really managed to put it back on :think:

I'm just worried that all this fat is going either in my arteries or straight to the baby's head!! PLEASE don't let the baby have a gigantic head! :shock:
Something like this would do me nicely...


(Sorry about my TERRIBLE picture editing skills!! :doh: But you get the idea...
Im in the same boat hun...I can eat, eat, eat oh and eat some more and never seem to be full up! Im going to be the size of a house come May :wall:
The stupid thing is, just like all the other annoying stuff, I got really worried on the way home tonight (having had to go out for the evening and not had time for proper dinner) becuase I wasn't hungry and hadn't even eaten my snacks I took out with me! Tchuh! I shoudl have been glad! But then I burped a few times and was starving by the time I got home :rotfl: luckily OH had left me a couple of sausages from his tea - I was hoping he woudl - sausage sandwiches, yummmmmmmm
I had a lush jacket potato earlier, it had melted cheese, baked beans, more cheese and chopped up bacon bits :p nom nom nom nom nom nom...
Aw that sounds lush laura, you're making me hungry again! I can't have anything else tonight... can I? That woudl be really bad...

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