So excited!


Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2010
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I really can't wait till wednesday when I have my 20 wk scan! We are going to find out if it is a she or he. I really want to know now! Lol! I have plans to get a cute outfit afterward - everytime I went, I would LOVE all the blue and pink stuff but hate the neutrals!

Me mum is coming too and so are the kids (they have to come cos it's the holidays!) and I'm gonna ask nicely if they can come in the room at the end of the scan so they can meet their baby brother or sister! :)

Eeeeeh! :-D
Aww hun i know how ur feeling...seems to drag when theres only a few days left! Yeh they should be fine with ur taking ur LO's exciting for them too! Hopefully the baby will behave and ul find out what sex ur lil bump is :)....goodluck hun....look forward to ur news and pics :) xx
Goodluck with your scan. I took Lacey to my 20 week scan and she loved it!!
I have my scan this Wednesday at 10am...SO excited!! My hubby is adamant on finding out what we are having, and if we cannot tell on the scan then he has suggested that we go have a private scan to find out the sex of the baby. He is such a curious thing!

Went to my MIL's yesterday and looked through her old albums and saw some pics of my hubby as a baby - he was such a cutie!! I'm now trying to picture what my baby is going to look like!! x
Mine is at 2.30! Looks like I'll have to wait a little longer than all you ladies!
I tried that baby morph thingy where you get an estimated picture of your baby - I have to say that he/she looks cute! :)
Mine is Friday and can't wait, i hope we get to find out what we are having too. Like you i want to go bright colours either boy or girl, doesn't matter, just not into the plain white or creams and as soon as some sort of colour is added it turns more into a boy or girls outfit.

Hope you get to find out what you are having Wednesday.
Good luck with your scan hunni!! I took my kids and mil and hubby to the 20 week scan it was really good :-D

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