So excited ... where can I ..


Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2006
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get an all in one swim suit for Alfie? :rotfl: He has his second set of jabs on thursday and 4 weeks after that he has his third lot which means i can take him swimming, he is such a water baby and loves it so i want a cute little all in one swimsuit for him, boys one of course no pink frills for my boy! also whats it like the first time you take them? seriously im so excited!
have you tried early or john lewis....
keeleys got her third jabs on the 9th swimming here we come :dance: :dance: :dance:
hey hunni, aw thats fab!
u could try mothercare or adams
we were trying to get 1 for keryn but none fitted so we just got her little swimming pant things lol
ill post a piccy wen i find my lead for the camera lmao
but wen we first took keryn swimming she loved it
she was shivering the whole time but was laughing away altho she screamed wen we took her out
the 2nd time we went i took her alone and it was a nightmare very hard alone lol
anyway shes now got an all in one suit we gt from adams for her its gorgeous

anyway sorry for talking a load of rubbish lol

hope u hav a gr8 tym hunni ur lil man will love it!

luv lou n keryn xxx
i got one off a site called konfidence or something i cant remember im sure someone will ! '

I took Jakob swimming before he had his jabs and he loved it, I was always told its a personal preferance and its fine people just worry because a long time ago they used to think polio was passed on in swimming pools (which now with swimming pools been kept clean all the time it obviously isnt) :D
Hiya Fingerscrossed, Otis has finally been signed up for his swimming lessons, he starts next Wednesday afternoon, I'm so excited!! I hope he doesn't scream the place down though :shock: ! I've ordered some swimming trunks from, they also does all in ones (

I've got him the
Not sure if he'll get them in time though so I've got him some little swimmer nappies but they maybe to big as they are for 16lbs and he'll probably be between 13 / 14lbs when he starts his lessons!!! :doh:
yes they are gorgeous aren't they, forgot I had actually ordered the fantasy fish trunks not the plain ones, the wraps are pretty cool as well though, didn't notice them at the time. Besides worrying that Otis won't scream the place down I hope that I can still fit into my swimsuit! :shock:
Not sure about using the little swimmers nappies with the trunks, will see how they fit him first. I did measure up the Little Swimmers nappies I bought the other day (16lbs ones) and they should fit him - we'll see!
Let me know which swimsuit you've ended up going for!
I haven't been able to find one yet, so I've just got some of those swimmers nappy type things.....I also can't wait to take Ashlea swimming, she loves been in the water....exciting isn't it???? Let us know how it goes.....
i went to mothercare yesterday and brought keeley a little swimming cossie with a nappy built into it..... its pink with a little sea horse it was £9.99 :D

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