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So Emotional................


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2006
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Corr Blimey.............

A little bit of background, as I am sure it has some baring on it too.....

I have always been so close to my Mum and we have been thru everything together, always been there for eachother and NEVER let eachother down! We just knew we would always be there 100% of the time, it was an unwritten rule! Mum was everything to me, sadly I lost Mum to Breast Cancer Boxing day, and I have been really down since as a result!! Well, I am getting better, although it is no less painful........

Anyway, now I have found out I am pregnant, I am obviously really missing my Mum, she was there all the way thru my pregnancy with my daughter, she never missed an appointment and she was so excited, she also lived with us and helped me bring her up!!

Well I have been on quite a high since finding out I am pg, tonight I was doing my normal surfing on here, reading and replying to posts, when I started reading the Off Topic Forum "Admit to something"........There was one post on there that made me laugh like I have not laughed in months, when DP woke up I wanted to tell him, but lately my memory is so bad, I forgot what it was about.........anyway 20 mins later I remembered and started laughing again, full hearted again, so I woke him up to tell him....... I laughed so hard I was crying (Happy) but then all of a sudden I was balling my eyes out, I was so down and I can't shake it off!!!!!

Now I think it could be to do with the fact I have not laughed like that without Mum, or maybe hormones...........or possibly a mix?! Who knows,
but it has knocked me for six and I just needed to vent it somewhere before I lose the plot completely.......................right out of the blue it
happened, how horrible it is to go from a high to a low!!! :cry:

Is anyone else really emotional with their pregnancy? I am not even 5 weeks yet :shock:

But I do have to thank you for the post, can't remember who is was from, but it was so funny all the same! A typical senario of 2 very young sister's having half a story! :lol:

I never got to finish reading the thread, but I will xx
Sorry......not paying attention and posted it in wrong section! xx :wall:
hun, im so sorry about your mum, i really dont know what to say :(

as for being emotional, it is very normal, i get very emotional, snappy and irational during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, i tend to blow things all out of preportion and end up making a fool of myself.

it doesnt last forever tho, just explain to your OH that you really cant help it and to bear with you

Hi Layla,

Thanks babe......I am really lucky as my OH is really good, he comforted me last night, and although he was knackered, he woke up to chat to me, bless him!!

I am feeling loads better today, the complete opposite of last night actually, so that's good, although I have been snapping :? but hey ho!! He has 8 months to get used to that :wink: xx
Oh Tam I just read this & wanted to send you a a *BIG hug*

Thank You Wobbles!!!!

I am feeling much better now, but it was so weird and horrible at the time!!!! xx
hi tam with you all the way for hugs rants and chats. hope you feeling a little better, xx
Rusks......you're a star!!! xx
Hi Tam

I am so sorry to hear about your mum.... I lost my dad 3 days ago to Lymphoma and I am devastated. I have no children as yet but have been TTC for 4mths. All I ever wanted was for my dad to hold his grandchild but we cant have everything can we.

My mum is upset too and cant talk to her about the TTC bit yet but sure she will be happy when it finally does happen.... soon hopefully.

Take Care

D xxxx


I am so sorry babe!!!! That is terrible, I really feel for you & know what you are going thru. If you ever want to talk, PM me or add me to MSN!

Take care hun, and take each day at a time, do not put any form of pressure on yourself..........it is very early days.

You & your family will have a new lease of life when you do have that little bundle of joy, and your Dad will be so proud of you, I am sure. Don't get me worng, I am not saying you will no longer miss him, of course you will, the pain never goes....but he will be with you hun!

You know where I am if you need me :wink: xx
Tam you have reminded my of my last pregnancy now. on several occasions I found something funny and laughed so hard I started crying in a good way, then I found I couldnt stop crying and becames near hysterical and could hardly breath and the tears became really sad and I didnt understand why. OH didnt have a clue what was going on and looked at me like a freek and gave me a cuddle.

I remember one such occasion was over the name Hugh Jackman, the actor, I just thought the name sounded like some sort of sexual inuendo. Even now the name puts a smile on my face!
:lol: pregnancy eh? The things we do!!

It is good to know I am not the only one :wink:

In my last pregnancy the only time I can remember crying was when my Dad told me we wasn't going to have Chinese for dinner that night :oops: I was absolutely heart broken :rotfl:

I have been better, although I have the odd moment where I go crazy & then cry like a mad women! :x :shock:

My OH gets hold of me and says "awwwww Don't go all hormonal on meeeee" and squeezes me, bless him! :hug:

I must seem like a woman posessed at times :lol: although in all fairness I have only shed tears 3 times with hormones! :roll:

first off i am so sorry for both of your loses i couldnt imagine what you two are going throung , you seem like very brace women.

and tam pregnancy does wonderful things to you just wait it can only get better :D

:hug: Tam....

if you ever need a late night chat, you no im a night owl too lol

me and you both browsing the forum at 2am lol
Thanks Katrina xx

:lol: And I missed you Dionne, how did that happen?!! At least we spoke earlier.......maybe that was enough for our subconscious, and our brains couldn't take any more :wink: :lol:

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