So close now!


Well-Known Member
Dec 7, 2009
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:dance: Hi ya ladies how is everyone doing? how are all your babies doing? Much movement? Any strange positions?

Mine is still most likely oblique / transverse!!! Had midwife this morn and she said she thinks prob transverse now! I have a scan next Friday, and if my baby is still the same i will be booked in for a c section the following week!!!!!!!!!! OMG OMG!

All feels so real and so close now, just cant wait to meet her.

anyone had any experiece of a planned c sec or for transverse or oblique?!?

Hope everyones doing lovely.

ps. my feet actually kill now i weigh so much! anyone else have this?? x
Can't believe you could be holding your baby next week! That's mental!!! How exciting x I'm terrified of c section but it must be so exciting to know exactly when you'll have your baby! x x (hope you don't mind me gate crashing tri 3-I'm nearly legit in here anyway)!
course we dont mind!

yeah im looking on the bright side of the c sec, no stretches or splits down below, and a quick and scheduled birth for her :)
ahh thats so soon! How exciting! I feel so heavy too, its ridiculous, turning over in bed, I feel like I need some kind of hoist!!!

My baby has been head down for about a month but head not engaging so midwives all a flap about it. Im sure Ill be fine but was so worried about it all this morning, they are thinking my pelvis isnt going to work or something :wall:
oooh Tiny another naughty baby then!! Not as bad as mine though....fingers crossed yours will engage anyday now!
awww wow you could be holding your baby soon...... soooo amazing!!! hope the scan goes well for you... I am my 33 week appointment tomorrow - Im hoping everything is still ok!!!

Im already feel VERY heavy & I seem to be getting full very quickly and then feel uncomfortable and Im not even eating that much!! Sucks

Sorry I cant share any info on C-sections, this is my first pregnancy - just didnt want to read & run!

i feel horribly heavy, and moving in bed is such a chore too.

unfortunately im still eating for england!!

good luck at your mw appointment x
I have to laugh at myself walking now - or should i say waddling - i'm alright once i get going but even a granny could have over taken me today! Lets hope your babe turns head down soon, lots of babes mis behaving on here! Mine is so low i think its going to fall out - feels like i have someone kicking me constantly in the bits hehe
Hope my baby is transverse too - I am bricking it that they will suggest a section; I am going to refuse and demand that they let me go to 40 weeks and then if baby hasnt moved when I'm over my date they can do one but until then they can 'do one'! :lol: I hope your baby turns for you, there is still loads of time :hug:
No strange positions here, just not much of anything!! Bubs is engaged but not making any signs of making an appearance. I can totally empathise, nothing is comfy any more, the tops of my feet hurt but I think that's maybe more to do with swelling? And I am totally bricking it, really not happy about induction but it's becoming more and more imminent!
Hi Hope,

I can't believe we're nearly there!!! I'm feeling really heavy and I no longer have feet, just really swollen painful hooves! I only have one pair of shoes that fit or slippers, and the shoes are right at the end of the velcro fastenings!

My baby seems to be behaving - head is down and last week had started to engage, which is ok but pelvis is really painful now. I know I shouldn't be, but there's a part of me that is quite envious of people who have naughty babies and are booked in for c-sections for the reasons you said - it's all scheduled and you know what's going to happen and when, and I really can't imagine something that big coming out of my privates!!!! I'm finding all the unknowns really terrifying. As my friends said, I feel like a time bomb!

I hope that all goes well for you anyhow, and the next couple of weeks aren't too bad - I think I'm the only person round here enjoying a bit of cloud and rain!

Thanks for your replies guys. RM I cant believe your baby is transverse too! what are the chances of us having same due date exactly (plus us both thinking the dates were wrong lol) and now naughty sideways babies!

Be careful about going over though hun because if you go into labour naturally and your babys still transverse it could be dangerous and possibly an emergency c sec where they put us out completely under general anasthetic :(

My feet hurt lots to, and my back! argh why cant we all just fast fwd now to having our babies here! x
Theres a good chance that second time babies turn and engage at the last minute so Im pretty hopefull. After my emergency section last time I am dead keen to avoid any surgery simply because of the recovery period. Fingers crossed for natural birth! Let us know what happens next week, I have a scan on Tuesday to find out what occuring! :)
I hope these babes do begin to behave - you must be on tender hooks! Do you think its still head down RM? I feel like my pelvis is spliting in two since yesturday - i thought maybe it was because i was sat in an uncomfy chair for three hours yesturday but i'm convinced its a sign of things moving on and had period type pains yesturday which is something new! If this baby moves any lower its gonna fall out!
Yes I do believe bubs is head down, simply because of the pressure - I have the smooth contour of what would be baby's back down the middle I think. Time will tell! I have everything crossed anyway! x
My scans Friday! Really good luck Helen i hope your baby has moved.

I know she is still transverse, i can clearly feel her lying high and side ways constantly. lol.

I think pregnant women should win awards for out patience and bravery :) or at least get tons of presents and admiration haha x

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