So annoyed !!!!! Grrrrrr!


Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2010
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Ladies this seems really petty but I'm so angry at OH! Technically he hasn't done anything wrong but I still can't help but to be so angry with him! Honestly could have punched him in the face last night! He's lucky I didn't!!

Right - so the story goes ...

OH mentioned this month that he doesnt want to track ovulation or stress about TTC - he just wants to go with the flow and BD for the sake of making love rather than feeling like it's only for TTC.

I have been taking EPO for two cycles now - along with drinking water at all times and other bits and bats of vitamins required whilst TTC.. Sooooo my usual ovulation day has been irregular and ranged from CD17 to CD23 over the year. BUT I ovulated yesterday at CD14 and had more EWCM than ever! I failed to tell OH so as he didn't feel like I was just BD'ing for TTC sake.. So well due to his high drive I didn't have to make much of an effort last night.. All seems good right ....HA NO! He pulled out! WHY!?!?!?!?! OMG! I havnt spoken to him since and he doesn't understand what he has done wrong! I just felt like screaming IDIOT at him!

He has been away in London since Monday and only came home last night so the last time we BD was Sunday. So thanks to my OH it looks like I'm out already!


Hey hun I totally understand you feeling this way, and I would say that he HAS done something wrong. You guys really need to sit down and discuss exactly why he did this. I mean, fair enough, not tracking ov or whatever, but to actually pull out??? That's not even TTC!

I would be just as mad as you are, and I definitely think you need to talk to see if he's even still on the same page re: TTC. That just isn't on. TTC is a joint decision, not something he decides on his own.

I really hope you're ok hun, and IMO this certainly isn't a trivial thing. Wish I could give you a big :hug: now.
Hiya Loopy... :hugs:

I feel your pain.... Sometimes I just really think they don't get how crucial timing is when TTC. I don't think it was concious decison on his part to pull out - he was in the throws of passion after all - and he didn't know it was your fertile time. But like Dita said above - you are TTC so when you you do DB he should cum inside at all times especially if he doesn't want you telling him its your fertile time. Men eh!! :shakehead:

What I will say is that there more than likely would have been some droplets of pre-cum floating about before he pulled out so although it's a long shot - You're not out till the :witch:gets you!!

Good luck and jump his bones tonight if you can...??!!

x x :dust::dust:
Why would he pull out though? Is this something he did when you weren't ttc? I thought men liked to y'know in your y'know ?? xx
BTW I would have throttled him there and then!

BTW part 2 doesn't some sperm escape before y'know happens? I think I remember that from school! x
I understand how you are feeling, this TTC game is so frustrating sometimes, I'm sure he doesn't think he did anything wrong is there any chance you can do it again today or tonight? Xx
Wow you girls cheered me up :)
Can always count on you guys! The fact you all agreed that you'd throttle OH has made me feel like I'm not just being petty!

Dita - it was only Wednesday we spoke about it and he said we need to try a different approach this time as our other efforts havnt paid off. He does want TTC but he is far more patient than I am and he thinks that we have plenty of time ahead of us, which infuriates the living daylights out of me at times!

Moley and Cosmic - yeah I guess your right with the whole pre-cum but by god Id be shocked if i get my BFP from it! Watch this space ey lol.

So as for the pulling out and why he did it??? He has random moments like you said Moley, where he just fancies a change.. Lol this is going to end up developing into far to much info but what the heck... Not all the time but every so often he likes to see it on my *cough* boobs etc.. It's not very often and he usually asks me if it's ok! But this time he didn't ask!

We woke up this morning and he tried to BD with me ( mens answer to making up Phfffttt ) but I was still that pissed of with him I told him where to go! Dohh! So I'm blaming all this on OH but it's also me being a stubborn arse too!

But oh well I'm smiling now so I guess we will just have to wait and see.. I've always got a bit of hope that Sundays BD has waited for the egg!

I thought that may have been why he did it - my OH likes to do that too, men are so sd at times arent they lol.
We're all on your side hun, I'd go mental lol xxx
Lol Loopy - glad you cheered up!! No problems with TMI over here... My OH also likes to see his little swimmers sometimes so I really don't think he meant anything by it at all - it was just him being all blokey "look what I can do!!". Shame you're stubborness kicked in this morning though - although I would have been exactly the same and told him to eff right off!! Why do they think BD is the answer - like you want them any where near you let alone in you when you're no best pleased with them?! Men!! Can't live with them / Can't live without them!!

FX that Sundays BD and yesterday pre-cum will do the trick!!

x x
I'd have scooped some off and stuck it in by hand lol xx
:rotfl::rotfl: at Cosmic!

you girls really give me a giggle :)
I dont see why not! It lives for a few mins in air doesnt it, if you scooped it in straight away and you have some good fertile mucus to help it on its way, away you go - as Dori said (who was obviously ttc) just keep swimmin, just keep swimmin xx
LOL @ Cosmic!!!!!
why the hell didnt I think of that!!!!!!! I had conceive plus there too! I could of grabbed it quick - squirted it on the swimmers and done a quick dash of the fingers! Dammit dammit dammit!

It would have been worth a shot wouldn't it lol! Funny too! OH face would have been a right picture!

I'm chuckling to myself because if AF comes and I have major PMS.. I can officially blame AND take it out on OH! Ohhhhhh if only you girls could see the smug evil look I have on my face right now lol!
as Dori said (who was obviously ttc) just keep swimmin, just keep swimmin xx

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

men are mad! we will never understand their actions!!! i really think a turkey baster is the way to go when things like that happen! my OH likes to pull out every now and again too!! such a waste of :sperm: i feel like murder when he does (even when i'm not fertile)
Loopy you're right he's wrong.

And Cosmic :shock:, you are wrong inside...... but ....... I love it :rofl:
I started off cross after reading what your o/h had done, bloody annoying for you but I bet he was just trying to be a bit naughty :poke: and ended up :rofl: @ cosmic :lol:
I bet Cosmic keeps a turkey baster under her pillow lol
No, I just clamp him once he's in so he can't escape! x

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