SMP when self employed????

Hi there, yes I believe you can claim from 11 weeks before you are due. Im self employed too and rang jobcentre plus today (what a lot of help I got from them. NOT).
Basically we hav to fill in th form you find on the website for maternity allowance (diff name to smp) then they will assess if you are eligible or not. I bloody hope I am, the amount of contributions I pay!!
Hope that helps xx
Thanks, yes maternity allowance I believe, I have the form here, but was unsure of what date to put down as the date I'll be going on mat leave, I've read the pamphlet and I'm sure it's 11 weeks before baby is due... Oh the joys, it was much easier as an employed hairdresser!!! X

I am here:
Been looking into this too...

The earliest you can claim is 11 weeks before your Due date, latest is the day after baby is born. You can claim up to a max of 39 weeks. Nice to see it's also gone up to £135 from £128 last time I checked, must be since the recent budget! X
Hi Girls,

I'm self employed, do you know whether they take yours and your partners income in to account to decide whether you qualify, I wasn't going bother as I am assuming I/we wouldn't qualify for this as my husband's salary is fairly high.


Just had a look at the website I certainly will as I'm sure I'll ease up on work once bubs arrives, thanks.:)

Hi girls. I sent my application in and received a response about a week later saying how much I was entitled to etc.. You don't have to tell them on the initial application form when you are intending to stop work. What happens is they send you a form that you send back to them once you have actually stopped work to start your maternity leave. That's when you declare what date you have stopped work. If you wish to stop work 11 weeks before your due date, but only get the form back later than that, for example 9 weeks before your due date, you just put the date that you stopped work on and they will pay your MA in arrears from the date that you say you stopped. Does that make any sense at all?!

It is independent of what your partner earns, so if you're self employed and have been for the requisite amount of time, you will be eligible for at least some MA, depending on how much you earned before.

Hope that wasn't just a load of rubbish I've just written...

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