Smoked salmon and cured meats


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2011
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Hi ladies,

Just wondered what your take was on eating the above? I've avoided them completely but just come advice on the baby centre website that says smoked salmon is fine because it's smoked it gets rid of the listeria risk and in this country listeria risk is so low cured meats are also fine?

I love this kind of food and been avoiding it but can I eat it based on that advice? There seems to be conflicting information out there!!

Ive been avoiding all fooods its tells you too just to be on the safe side (to be fair im now craving a yolky egg and goats cheese) but my SIL who is also pregnant has been eating anything and everything she fanices pate, parma ham yolky eggs the lot. I suppose I would rather not take the risk, but is the smoked salmon ok as long as fresh etc?? Im not sure as I dont really eat and fish or seafood so probably not very helpfull at all! XX
Smoked salmon is fine in this country. They do advise to stay away from uncooked cured meats -which i have done (mainly!!) However I did have some salami on my pizza last night but i figured after 10 mins in a hot oven anything bad would be killed off.

I too though am craving eggs, blue cheese, brie and pate...all the things i love but should avoid....oh and also craving white wine!!
this is the only time im actually glad im awfully fussy cos pretty much everything on the do not have list i hate lol
I've eaten it throughout. And everythings fine with LO
I was advised by my Ob to have the cured meats in moderation. However, no-one warned me about salami and parmaham and the dangers of toxoplasmosis! Having tested positive for toxoplasmosis recently, I wish someone had warned me. Can't comment on the smoked salmon I'm afraid.
Please tell me I have not been missing out on smoked salmon for nothing!! Been craving it for weeks (like you probably because I know I can't have it)
You have to watch where the info out there comes from - cos US stuff is alot tighter cos its not manufactured the same way ours is. - ive stayed off the smoked salmon - although that may change come xmas - but i have had the odd runny egg. lol.

I think as long as its in moderation - most of my friends are in their 50s and 60s - so i keep getting told - if all this stuff was THAT bad none of their kids woulda made it. lol. no doubt in a few years time all the advice will be totally different. Only thing ive wanted that i (so far) havent risked is pate.


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