smelly colleague at work

i would tell him to his face
i would take him into a cornor where noone else can here
and put it as nicely as i could

be honest, for his benefit too
my boss is smelly so i told him! :D
he says its because he works so hard - so i then went on to ask my he smells first thing in the morning and he just sorta laughed it off :shakehead: :shakehead:
my manager is always having to talk to a lady on my team, its a shame for her thbough as she is HUGE she has a special chair and desk as she is soooo big we have a shower in work she showers every morning and on her lunch but the smell is awful, pure fish!

but she is trying hard it must be a health problem
Minime said:
Maybe he might be a type 2 diabetic i.e could be overweight and have diabeties and excess sweating from being overweight and breath might smell because of keytones caused by diabeties....

Just a thought.....

What is the rest of his dress like? Is he presentable so to have an adour would be out of place?

I used to work with a guy who never washed and I mean never. He WAS the manager! He used to smell soooooooo bad and one time he was digging a patio at home and never changed his clothes all week and it was summer :puke:

Needless to say he was still a virgin in his 40's! :rotfl:
no i don't think he has any type of disease, he is far from overweight, he dresses smart, overall he is very presentable, he works hard, he really is a cool guy, from India or Pakistan I think, i'm not sure. seems like a great dude in general. but you can tell he does not wash in the morning.
give him some cheap deodorant, he should get the message :D

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